Prime Minister Kaja Kallas visits Estonia’s Spring Storm military training exercises

(16 May 2024)

Killingi-Nomme, Estonia – 15 May 2024
1. Various of Spring Storm military exercise
2. Various of Estonia’s Prime Minister Kaja Kallas stepping into a NATO tank
3. SOUNDBITE (English) Kaja Kallas, Prime Minister of Estonia:

"We have two choices: Either to believe that, oh, he’s (Russia’s President Vladimir Putin) never going to take this attack on NATO, because we are in NATO as well. And to believe that it’s true and not to do anything because you can’t possibly imagine that they (Russia) are attacking us. Or we have another choice to prepare in case this crazy man (Putin) still decides to attack in a NATO country because he thinks NATO is weak, because he thinks that he can win.
4. Wide of soldiers shooting
5. SOUNDBITE (English) Kaja Kallas, Prime Minister of Estonia:

"And I think this is a better strategy because the other, just hoping, is not really tangible. It’s not something that you can build your defense, the freedom of your country, on."
6. Kallas in back of tank
Estonia’s Prime Minister Kaja Kallas attended the country’s biggest military exercise Spring Storm Wednesday.

Estonia shares a 339-kilometer (210-mile) border with Russia, and the Baltic state has been one of the most vocal supporters of Ukraine as well as repeatedly highlighting the threat from Russia.

The Spring Storm exercise in Killingi-Nomme, Estonia, is taking place within the larger framework of the NATO Steadfast Defender exercise, which is the largest NATO exercise since the end of the Cold War.

Kallas said Estonia would not sit idly by, adding that Estonia and NATO allies would defend every inch of its territory.


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