Morocco’s 29th International Book Fair in Rabat draws publishers from around the world

(16 May 2024)



LENGTH: 4:32

Rabat, Morocco – 13 May 2024
1. Collection of Al Dar Al Ahlia bookstore from Jordan at the book fair in Rabat
2. Ahmad Abu Touq, participant from Al Dar Al Ahlia bookstore
3. Books on display
4. Book by Former Palestinian Minister of Culture Atef Abu Saif, title reading (Arabic): "Time Out for Survival – War Diaries in Gaza"
5. SOUNDBITE (Arabic) Ahmad Abu Touq, participant from Al Dar Al Ahlia bookstore:
"Dr. Atef Abu Saif was the Palestinian minister of culture during the war (in the previous cabinet). He was visiting Gaza and got stuck there. He wrote his memoirs on the war every day for roughly 90 days. These memoirs were published and translated into 11 languages around the world."

6. Pan of exhibition
7. Wide of section showing books from Egypt’s Bayt Alhekma Publishing House, which features a wide collection of translated Chinese books
8. Ahmad Abdelalim, participant from Bayt Alhekma Publishing House talking with a visitor
9. Tilt-up of visitor checking book
10. SOUNDBITE (Arabic) Ahmad Abdelalim, participant from Bayt Alhekma Publishing House:
"There are several publishing houses here, from Arab, African, or European countries. All this is for the reader to find everything they are looking for across cultures, whether its European, Arabic, Islamic, Chinese, or east Asian. So all of this is in the interest of the reader."

11. Various of exhibition
12. Various of the section showing works from the Amazigh Writers Association, Morocco
13. SOUNDBITE (Amazigh) Lahcen Zahour, participant from the Amazigh Writers Association, Morocco:
"There is evidence of the development of the Amazigh language at this fair and it is seen through the participation of the Amazigh Writers Association, which has so far issued 281 publications in the Amazigh language across all modern literary genres."

14. Various of books, visitors exploring the section of the Science Space Library for Law, Morocco
15. SOUNDBITE (Arabic) Kawtar Abdelmouniim, participant from the Science Space Library for Law, Morocco:
"There is demand, many people have come to buy books. We had this misconception suggesting that people are not interested in books. But on the contrary, people are looking for books. They are here to find the (specific) book and the title they are looking for to read them and gain information."

16. Various of section showcasing collection of Bookland Publishing for scholarly books from Morocco
17. Various of Amine Bouaziz, participant from OKAD Editions, Morocco, turning pages of a book
18. SOUNDBITE (Arabic) Amine Bouaziz, participant from OKAD Editions, Morocco:
"There was a fear more than 30 years ago when globalization had reached Morocco and (affected) everything related to information and digitalization. But the reality is different. While globalization is growing, books are also developing."

19. Various of section dedicated to the U.N.’s educational and scientific organization, known as UNESCO, the guest of honor in this fair
20. Pan of children’s books
21. SOUNDBITE (Arabic) Ikram Hanafi, visitor:
"I came from the city of Mechra Bel Ksiri (114 km from Rabat) to visit this fair and discover what it offers. This is my first visit to the fair. I came to find the books that I am looking for, and I actually found many."

22. Books on display
23. Various of the entrance of book fair
Morocco’s 29th international book fair kicked off in Rabat last week, drawing book lovers and intellectuals from across the country.

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