Happy ending in Italy for lesbian victims of gender persecution in Nigeria as more countries tighten

(16 May 2024)

Passo Corese (Rieti), Italy – 11 March 2024
1. Doris Ezuruike Chinonso approaching her partner Ella Anthony on the sofa and kissing her
2. Various of Chinonso and Anthony looking at various photos and videos and playing with their dog, Paddy
3. Tilt up of Anthony stroking Paddy the dog
4. SOUNDBITE (Italian) Ella Anthony, Nigerian national:
"I was forced (by my family) to marry a man, accepting money from him in my absence. When I returned home, my brother and uncles told me that I had to marry this man because he paid."
5. Wide of Anthony with Paddy on the sofa
6. Close of Chinonso, Anthony and Paddy cuddling together
7. SOUNDBITE (Italian) Ella Anthony, Nigerian national:
"My brother beat me with the help of my uncles. And so at certain point I couldn’t take all this suffering anymore, and I really tried to commit suicide."
8. Couple cuddling Paddy the dog
9. Anthony’s hand on Paddy
10. SOUNDBITE (Italian) Ella Anthony, Nigerian national:
"I wanted it all to end, I wanted to die, because I thought my presence caused them pain."
11. Various of Anthony looking at pictures of herself on the phone
12. SOUNDBITE (Italian) Ella Anthony, Nigerian national:
"And at that moment, it was 2014, a law came out against homosexuals (in Nigeria) which provides for up to 14 years in prison for practicing homosexuality. So my brother really pressed on this, saying that he would send me to prison, that he would go to the police to say that I am homosexual, that he caught me and all that. So when this guy told me that I should abandon the village, I immediately accepted."
13. Close of a photo showing couple together
14. Anthony caressing Chinonso who’s holding the dog
15. SOUNDBITE (Italian) Doris Ezuruike Chinonso:
"In my country (being gay) is really a very bad thing: you go to jail if you’re lucky. If you’re not lucky they kill you, they burn you and all that. Instead, here you can live as you like. I said it’s not one 100% ( I am not happy 100%) in the sense that maybe we’d want to start a family, we would like it, but we can’t here. We can’t even be wife and wife."
16. Close of phone with TikTok profile
17. Various of couple dancing with Paddy

Toronto, Canada – 14 March 2024
18. SOUNDBITE (English) Kimahli Powell, CEO of Rainbow Railroad:
"In sub-Saharan Africa there are many countries that have laws that criminalize same sex intimacy. And in fact, you have been seeing lately countries adopt further legislation that criminalized same sex intimacy. In 2023, Uganda adopted the Anti-Homosexuality act, which put new restrictions, including the death penalty on the community. And then recently, in 2024, Ghana just enacted legislation. The ongoing effects of these laws are that people have been suffering forced evictions. In Uganda, for example, individuals, if they do not report someone as LGBTQ, they can face criminal punishment. We have seen much increased spikes in violence since these legislations, over 1500 requests just for this country alone. And the ultimate result are people trying to flee these countries to find safe haven elsewhere."

Rome, Italy – 5 April 2024
19. Wide of the Arcigay entrance in Rome
20. Antonella Ugirashebuja talking to a gay asylum seeker
21. Hand detail of asylum seeker
22. Close pan up of Arcigay gay rights group informative material
23. Close of hand holding notebook with rainbow sticker writing reading in English "Rainbow is the new black"
24. SOUNDBITE (Italian) Antonella Ugirashebuja, Arcigay, Activist dealing with migrants:

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