Slovak defence minister: prime minister’s condition is extremely serious

(15 May 2024)

Banska Bystrica, Slovakia – 15 May 2024
1. Journalists at briefing
2. SOUNDBITE (Slovak) Robert Kalinak, Slovak Minister of Defence:
"He’s (Robert Fico) still in the operating room. Surgery is ongoing. According to what information we have, he suffered severe polytrauma after several gunshot wounds. And his condition is extremely serious."
3. Kalinak with Slovak Minister of Interior Matej Sutaj Estok
4. SOUNDBITE (Slovak) Matej Sutaj Estok, Slovak Minister of Interior:
"First of all, I want to assure the public that we will do everything we can to investigate this heinous act. We are doing so in these minutes and hours. The initial information that we have suggests that there was a clear political motivation and that the decision was made shortly after the presidential elections."
5. Journalists listening
6. SOUNDBITE (Slovak) Matej Sutaj Estok, Slovak Minister of Interior:
"The law enforcement authorities and the Police Corps have done everything we can to ensure the protection of constitutional officials, including Members of the National Council. They are still in the National Council at the moment, where special arrangements are being made for them. In the coming days, the protection of all constitutional officials will be strengthened. Police protection will also be reinforced for several media, as well as for a number of people, not only constitutional officials and representatives of the ruling coalition but also of the opposition."
7. Estok speaking
8. SOUNDBITE (Slovak) Matej Sutaj Estok, Slovak Minister of Interior:
"We are standing slowly on the edge of a civil war here. Because such hateful comments are being made on social networks today, so please, let’s stop this immediately. This culmination and this assassination of the Prime Minister is an explicit confirmation of that."
9. Journalists listening
10. SOUNDBITE (English) Robert Kalinak, Slovak Minister of Defence:
"It’s a horrible fault. Maybe the next day, we’ll be able to react and find out what happened. Now, I’m just focusing on the status of Robert Fico and his health."
11. Health Minister Zuzana Dolinkova at briefing
12. SOUNDBITE (Slovak) Zuzana Dolinkova, Slovak Minister of Health:
"The Prime Minister’s health is still critical. He’s still in the operating room, and I hope everything turns out well. My fingers are crossed, and I wish him the best of strength, not only for him but especially for the medical staff who are fighting for his life at these moments."
13. Various exteriors of the hospital
The condition of Slovakia’s Prime Minister Robert Fico, who was shot several times and gravely wounded on Wednesday, was "extremely serious," Defence Minister Robert Kalina said.

"Surgery is ongoing. According to what information we have, he suffered severe polytrauma after several gunshot wounds," Kalina told reporters outside the hospital where Fico was being treated for his wounds.

At least four shots were fired outside a cultural center in the town of Handlova, nearly 140 kilometers (85 miles) northeast of the capital, where Fico was meeting with supporters, the government said.

A suspect was in custody, and an initial investigation found “a clear political motivation” behind the assassination attempt, Interior Minister Matus Sutaj Estok said as he briefed reporters alongside the defence minister.

Thousands have repeatedly rallied in the capital and across Slovakia to protest Fico’s policies.

Concern is mounting that populist and nationalists similar to Fico could make gains in the 27-member bloc.

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