Senators urge $32 billion push for AI after yearlong review

(15 May 2024)

Washington, DC – 15 May 2024
1. Wide of Sen. Schumer, others, walking to lectern
2. SOUNDBITE (English) Sen. Chuck Schumer, Majority Leader:
"We wanted the Senate’s approach centered on three words — urgency. Because AI is so complex and so rapidly evolving and touching every aspect of society, that we just couldn’t sit on the sidelines or wait several years to see what might happen because it keeps evolving. Humility. Because this is so difficult. This is complex. It it affects every area of society. And frankly, Congress doesn’t have a roadmap here."
3. Wide of Schumer and others at lectern
4. SOUNDBITE (English) Sen. Chuck Schumer, Majority Leader:
"And finally, bipartisanship because I want the changes that I brings, whether it’s positive or negative isn’t going to discriminate between left right and center. And, you know, the only way we get things done around here is bipartisanship."
5. Wide of Schumer and others at lectern
6. SOUNDBITE (English) Sen. Chuck Schumer, Majority Leader:
"AI has huge potential. That’s the transformational innovation we need to encourage. But there’s also sustainable innovation. We know there are harms that can come from AI, whether it be, hurting labor in the workforce, bias that’s built into the systems dealing with intellectual property. And so we also need innovation to come up with ways to minimize those liabilities."
7. Wide of Schumer and others at lectern
8. SOUNDBITE (English) Sen. Chuck Schumer, Majority Leader
"We are very now hopeful that the bipartisan momentum that we fostered and the recommendations we made will extend into the committees and their process. If anything is going to be accomplished, it has to be bipartisan, and it’s going to be done by the committees."
9. Wide of Schumer and others at lectern
10. SOUNDBITE (English) Sen. Mike Rounds, (R) South Dakota:
"We want what AI can do for the quality of life to actually be beneficial to every single citizen in our country, not only recognizing that they would be safer here with AI incorporated into all of our military, our Department of Defense needs our national security needs so that there is nobody as good at it as we are with regard to national security. But with regard to the quality of life here, beginning with health care, to know that they will reap the benefits and their families will reap the benefits of artificial intelligence, making decisions faster than it’s ever been made before about the right types of remedies for some of the most serious illnesses that we face today."
11. Wide of Schumer and others at lectern
12. SOUNDBITE (English) Sen. Mike Rounds, (R) South Dakota:
"But, If we invest now and we use AI the way that the experts in these fields tell us that it can be incorporated, the quality of life for Americans will improve."
13. Slow zoom out on senators exiting briefing room

A bipartisan group of four senators led by Majority Leader Chuck Schumer is recommending that Congress spend at least $32 billion over the next three years to develop artificial intelligence and place safeguards around it, writing in a report released Wednesday that the U.S. needs to “harness the opportunities and address the risks” of the quickly developing technology.

While any legislation related to AI will be difficult to pass, especially in an election year and in a divided Congress, the senators said that regulation and incentives for innovation are urgently needed.

The senators emphasized balance between those two issues, and also the urgency of action.

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