Matt Damon says the impact of AI is ‘a constant worry’

(14 May 2024)
Archive: New York – 7 June 2023
1. Various of Matt Damon

New York – 2 May 2024
2. SOUNDBITE (English) Matt Damon, actor:
"It’s a constant worry for me. I see it with my own kids. It’s hard to predict the future now. That prediction is kind of what you base a lot of your decisions on when you’re young, right? What do I do with my life? How can I be useful? How can I be helpful? What will give my life meaning? We’re entering really rapidly into what’s going to be a very weird, disruptive time. There is no longer, it seems to me, like a, like an agreed upon kind of canon of of of what’s real and and what’s true. And that’s just going to get exacerbated by all of these new tools. And so I don’t know what the common frame of reference becomes. So, no, it’s something I’m very worried about with the election. It’ll it’ll start getting weird here in 24. It’s going to get real weird in 26 and 28. I think we’re going to be past the age where you can believe what you see. Whatever digital image you’re taking in, you have to wonder whether or not it’s been tampered with. And that’ll include full video and people talking and full renderings of people. It’s it’s very it’s gonna get very, very weird. And so I and so I don’t know that that’s an answer to the question. It’s something that I think about and I don’t know that anybody knows. You know, I listen to these symposiums with AI experts, and it’s like people can’t really predict where we’re going to be. In a couple of years. So I all we know is, is things are going to change drastically, but we don’t quite know how."

Archive: New York – 7 June 2023
3. Various of Matt Damon and Nenad Cicin-Sain

Archive: Beverly Hills, Calif. – 10 March 2024
4. Matt Damon arrives with wife Luciana Barroso

Archive: Cannes, France, 8 July 2021
5. Wide Matt Damon and Camille Cottin, zoom in to medium


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