AP Explains: Georgian lawmakers approve a divisive bill that has sparked weeks of protests

(14 May 2024)

Tallinn, Estonia – 14 May 2024
1. SOUNDBITE (English) Jim Heintz, The Associated Press:
"The parliament in Georgia has given final approval to a law that has been the focus of repeated large street demonstrations in recent weeks. The law would require any news media or non-governmental organization to register as pursuing the interests of a foreign power if it gets more than 20% of its funding from abroad. Opponents of the law say it will impede Georgia’s chances of joining the European Union, which the country has sought to do for years. And officials have repeatedly criticized the measure as being a so-called Russian law that refers to a similar law that’s been on the books in Russia for several years and reflects the high degree of animosity in Georgia toward Russia following the 2008 war in which Russia took control of some Georgian territory. Georgia’s President Salome Zourabichvili has vowed to veto the law which she needs to sign to enact it. But the parliament has enough votes to override her veto."

Tbilisi, Georgia – 14 May 2024
2. Various of protesters throwing objects, banging on metal walls at Parliament, spray painting walls, climbing metal walls
Georgian lawmakers have approved a divisive bill that has sparked weeks of protests, as Jim Heintz from the Associated Press explains.

After lawmakers opened debate on Tuesday, riot police were out in force in front of the parliament.

Over the weekend, thousands poured into the streets of the capital of Tbilisi, and many stayed in front of the parliament until Monday morning.

The bill requires media and nongovernmental organizations and other nonprofit groups to register as “pursuing the interests of a foreign power” if they receive more than 20% of their funding from abroad.

The government says the bill is needed to stem what it deems as harmful foreign actors trying to destabilize politics in the South Caucasus nation of 3.7 million people.

The opposition has denounced the bill as “the Russian law,” because Moscow uses similar legislation to crack down on independent news media, nonprofits and activists critical of the Kremlin.

"Officials have repeatedly criticized the measure as being a so-called Russian law that refers to a similar law that’s been on the books in Russia for several years and reflects the high degree of animosity in Georgia toward Russia following the 2008 war in which Russia took control of some Georgian territory," explained Heintz.

Heintz added that the opponents of the bill also believe it will impede Georgia’s long-term ambition of joining the European Union.

President Salome Zourabichvili, who is increasingly at odds with the governing party, has vowed to veto the bill, but "parliament has enough votes to override her veto," says Heintz.

After the law is sent to Zourabichvili, she has 14 days to either veto or approve it.

Following the 84-30 vote, a crowd of protesters in front of parliament tried to break metal barriers near the building, and some reportedly were detained by police.

Several protesters and opposition members have been beaten up recently in incidents that the opposition linked to the protests.


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