Top Indian opposition leader released on bail by court, enabling him to campaign in elections

(10 May 2024)

New Delhi, India – 10 May 2024
1. Delhi’s Chief Minister and Aam Aadmi Party (Common man’s party) leader Arvind Kejriwal stands on top of a vehicle and addresses the public ‘We have to protect the country from dictatorship’ and ‘I am fighting with my body, mind and soul’ in Hindi, after being released from Tihar Jail on interim bail. Crowd cheers back.
2. Wide of firecrackers being burst by supporters celebrating Kejriwal’s release
3. Kejriwal waving at supporters while standing on top of a vehicle
4. Wide of chaos near Kejriwal’s car with hundreds of supporters and scores of security and media personnel
5. Supporters shouting ‘Locks of the jail have broken, Kejriwal has been released’ and ‘Look who has arrived, a lion has arrived’ in Hindi
6. Tilt from man beating a drum and Kejriwal’s supporters dancing in joy
7. SOUNDBITE (Hindi) Shelly Oberoi, Mayor of Delhi:
“Now the BJP (Bharatiya Janata Party) will get a big shock. First, they committed an error by arresting [Kejriwal] by misusing (Government) agencies and unconstitutionally arresting sitting MLAs (Members of Legislative Assembly) and the sitting Chief Minister. Now, the public will give a response with their vote.”
8. Wide of supporters holding flags, waiting outside the jail to receive Kejriwal
9. SOUNDBITE (Hindi) Atishi Singh, Cabinet Minister, Government of Delhi:
“Today, not only the Aam Aadmi Party (Common Man’s party) has been strengthened, but the whole country has also been strengthened. Today the country is hopeful that this dictatorship will come to an end. Today marks the beginning of the end of the dictatorship.”
10. Wide of a big poster on the side of the road opposite to the jail and people waiting to receive Kejriwal
11. Wide of people with flags waiting outside the jail
12. SOUNDBITE (Hindi) Jatinder Singh, AAP supporter:
“All the volunteers of the party had been working with their full strength and passion, despite the top leader being locked up in jail. His graph has become better than before”
13. Poster of Narendra Modi, Prime Minister of India, on the opposite side of the road to the jail
14. Low angle of AAP flag in the air
A top Indian opposition leader was freed from jail on interim bail by the Supreme Court on Friday nearly seven weeks after his arrest in a bribery case that opposition parties called a political move by Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s government against one of his rivals during a national election.

Arvind Kejriwal, the leader of the Aam Aadmi Party, or Common Man’s Party, is the chief elected official in the city of New Delhi and one of the country’s most influential politicians of the past decade.

The court order enables him to campaign in the country’s national election until the voting ends on June 1, Kejriwal’s attorney said.

Opposition leaders hailed the court verdict.

However, Manjinder Singh Sirsa, a leader of the ruling party, said the court’s decision did not mean that Kejriwal has been exonerated in the bribery case. He will have to go back to jail on June 2 as pre-trial court proceedings are still taking place.

Supporters waving yellow and blue satin party flags greeted Kejriwal as his car came out of the prison gate hours after the court ruling. "Long live Kejriwal,” they chanted.

"Long live revolution,” Kejriwal responded as he emerged from the roof of his car and briefly addressed them. His supporters lit firecrackers and danced.

Judges Sanjiv Khanna and Dipankar Datta said in their order that the national election was an important event.

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