Prince Harry and Meghan in Nigeria to champion Invictus Games and highlight mental health

(10 May 2024)

Abuja, Nigeria – 10 May 2024
1. Prince Harry and his wife Meghan, Duke and Duchess of Sussex exiting vehicle and being greeted
2. Welcome poster
3. Harry and Meghan meeting students and staff
4.Pull out on Harry and Meghan watching performer
5.Dance performance
6. Harry and Meghan watching performance
7. Harry and Markle on stage, UPSPOUND (English) Prince Harry:
"Mental health affects every single person in the entire world and the more you talk about it, the more you can kick stigma away, far, far away into the long grass and then everybody will have the opportunity to be able to share.”
8. Staff member and student Malaika Gyang-gyang talking
9. Gyang-gyang holding a copy of Harry’s autobiography
10. SOUNDBITE (English) Malaika Gyang-gyang, Lightway Academy student:
“I cannot put it into words how it feels to meet the Duke and the Duchess. Oh, my God, the duchess, oh my God, they are wonderful people, you know, on camera they are good but in person, holy moly.”
11. Harry’s autobiography being held
12. Student Valerie Offia holding a copy of Harry’s autobiography
13. SOUNDBITE (English) Valerie Offia, Lightway Academy student:
"Meeting the Duke and the Duchess today made me feel like I could do anything and that’s what am hoping to continue doing, like, always continuing with the mindset that I can do anything as long as I set my mind to it.”
14. Harry and Meghan standing
15. School and signage
16. SOUNDBITE (English) Joyce Agbese, Director of Lightway Academy:
“The visit of the Duke and the Duchess of Sussex means a lot to us in this school because it highlights their, first of all, their partnership with our partners Geanco, it highlights the fact that they think mental health is very important and that’s a message that we all wish we could pass along to our young ones. So, as a school, definitely it has opened the door for us to be able to have a very healthy conversation on the issue of mental health.”
17. Pan of Harry and Meghan meeting students
18. Harry and Meghan hugging people
Prince Harry and his wife, Meghan, arrived in Nigeria on Friday to champion mental health for young people affected by conflicts and to promote the Invictus Games, which the prince founded to aid the rehabilitation of wounded and sick servicemembers and veterans.

The couple, in the West African nation for the first time on the invitation of its military, visited the Lightway Academy college which receives support from their Archewell foundation to educate and train young girls affected by conflicts in Nigeria.

The couple were received at the Abuja school by a dancing troupe and a crowd of excited students and teachers.

"I cannot put it into words how it feels to meet the Duke and the Duchess," said student Malaika Gyang-gyang.

"Meeting the Duke and the Duchess today made me feel like I could do anything," added student Valerie Offia.

Harry and Meghan will also be meeting with wounded soldiers and their families in what Nigerian officials have said is a show of support to improve the morale of the soldiers, including those fighting a 14-year war against Islamic extremists in the country’s northeast.

Harry served in Afghanistan as an Apache helicopter co-pilot gunner, after which he founded the Invictus Games in 2014 to offer wounded veterans and servicemembers the challenge of competing in sports events similar to the Paralympics.

Nigeria was among the nations that participated in last year’s edition of the games.


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