More internally displaced persons worldwide than ever before I DW News

Conflict and disaster are driving record numbers of people from their homes to seek refuge from war and destruction. Figures from the Internal Displacement Monitoring Center suggest that more than 75 million people will be forced to flee within their own country in 2023. The report found that the number of internally displaced people has roughly doubled in the past decade.

The worst affected country is Sudan – where civil war has displaced more than 9 million people. That was an increase of nearly 6 million from the end of 2022. Sudan’s conflict erupted in April 2023, when rising tensions between military leaders and rival Rapid Support Forces erupted into open fighting across the country.

00:00 Record numbers displaced by conflicts
03:16 Elbashir Idris, Sudan Analyst
09:29 Toby Harward, UN Deputy Humanitarian Coordinator for Sudan
15:03 Abiol Lual Deng, Sahel Analyst
19:00 Hamid Khalafallah, Sudan analyst


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