Eurovision’s reigning champion Loreen says she feels understanding for protestors, but that contest

(10 May 2024)
Malmo, Sweden – 9 May 2024
1. Various of pro-Palestinian protesters gathering to march against Israel’s Eurovision participation, waving flags and chanting
2. Protesters carrying large banner reading (English): "No platform for genocide, Israel out off Eurovision"

Copenhagen – 9 May 2024
3. SOUNDBITE (English) Loreen, recording artist – on protests against Israel’s involvement in Eurovision:
"I understand people that – because we all have different reactions to what is going on. Let’s just be humble and be like, okay, what is happening in the world today and in different places is distorting and traumatising all of us. And when we feel confused, we’re like, ‘Oh my God, how is this even possible?’ We react in different ways. Some people cry, some people shut down, some people get aggressive, some people they demonstrate, some people, you know, but we’re all very traumatised by this, you know. And all reactions are allowed. We can’t go in and be like, ‘You should be reacting like this, you should be reacting like this.’ We can’t do that."

Malmo, Sweden – 8 May 2024
4. Close up Eurovision banner at arena where contest is being held
5. Security officers at arena
6. Various of Eurovision fans

Copenhagen – 9 May 2024
7. SOUNDBITE (English) Loreen, recording artist – on the protests, and supporting Eurovision
"The only thing that heals trauma for real – this is science – is love. So, let’s go back to this community that is generating love. We can’t shut a hub of love, 250 million people creating love only by laughing, then think that this is really solving a problem. Because we know it’s not. But we’re allowed to feel confused because it is traumatising for us."

Archive: Liverpool, England – 13 May 2023
8. STILL IMAGE: Loreen of Sweden during the flag ceremony before during the Grand Final of the Eurovision Song Contest. (AP Photo/Martin Meissner)

Archive: Liverpool, England – 13 May 2023
9. STILL IMAGE: Loreen of Sweden performs during the Grand Final of the Eurovision Song Contest (AP Photo/Martin Meissner)
10. STILL IMAGE: Loreen of Sweden performs during the Grand Final of the Eurovision Song Contest (AP Photo/Martin Meissner)

Archive: Liverpool, England – 14 May 2023
11. Various of Loreen, winner of 2023 Eurovision contest, at news conference

Archive: Baku – 27 May 2012
12. Loreen, Sweden’s winner of Eurovision Song Contest, entering media center, holding up award

Copenhagen – 9 May 2024
13. SOUNDBITE (English) Loreen, recording artist – on returning to Eurovision to perform
"It’s like coming back home, really. It’s really, the way I see it. It’s… I don’t like to say, there’s no, I’m not dividing here, but I want to say that… initially I would just want to say it’s my people. Can I say that? It’s just, a place, a space, a community that I on a deeper level, understand what it does and how important it is, which just makes me feel more love for it. You know, we don’t speak about that. I know we say ‘united by music,’ but like if we really look closer, it’s just like it’s really a beautiful hub of people that are creating, all of us, creating this really accepting, loving energy. I mean, of course there’s people being nervous there and maybe a fight there, but overall we’re generating, because there’s laughter, there’s joy, anticipation. All of these things are like very good energies to be in. And that’s why I feel like, I’m being part of this thing! Oh!"


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