82,000 children suffering from malnourishment in Haiti as gang attacks continue in the capital

(10 May 2024)

Port-au-Prince, Haiti – 9 May 2024
1. Nurses weighing and measuring child’s body mass
2. SOUNDBITE (Haitian creole) Carole Camille, mother of baby:
“Well when I can buy food it is only potato and flour or Gerber (baby food). Sometimes, if I have money I give him milk if I don’t have money, I can’t give him any milk.”
3. Various of mothers receiving food supplements for their children
4. SOUNDBITE (English) Jules Roberto Bernard, Save the Children Food Security & Livelihoods CVA Technical Advisor: ++STARTS ON SHOT 3, PARTIALLY OVERLAID BY SHOT 5++
“The first one is malnutrition. We have the highest rate of malnutrition ever experienced (in this country). The second one is like people, including children, are joining the gangs and that puts their lives to risk because (in) confrontation with the police the gangs put children in the front lines in their operations. And the third one is the risk of protection for girls and women with doing (have turned to) prostitution.”
5. Various of mothers with their children lining up to be seen, children being measured
Haiti is facing the highest number of malnourished children ever according to the country’s health ministry.

Non-government organization Save the Children reported some 82,000 children are suffering acute malnourishment in the capital alone.

Gang violence that now affects over 80% of Port-au-Prince has forced thousands of families to flee their homes, leading to unemployment and inflation.

At the La Paix hospital, one of the few remaining hospitals still open in the capital, mothers bring their children to be weighed and treated.

But families that can barely afford to feed themselves also struggle to pay the small fee charged by the hospital and to buy medicine.

Four million people face “acute food insecurity” and one million of them are one step away from famine, according to the U.N food agency.

Insecurity is hampering people from doing simple things, like taking their children to school, or going to the supermarket or work, officials added.

A report from Save the Children, released on Wednesday, also claimed hunger is driving Haiti’s children and adolescents to join violent gangs.

AP video shot by: Pierre Luxama


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