Thousands of pro-Palestinian protesters march in Malmo against Israel’s Eurovision participation

(9 May 2024)

Malmo, Sweden – 9 May 2024
1. Various of pro-Palestinian protesters gathering to march against Israel’s Eurovision participation, waving flags and chanting
2. Various of protesters chanting with large Palestinian flag
3. Wide of protesters marching across bridge
4. Close of protesters marching
5. SOUNDBITE (English) Lorenzo Mayr, protester:
"Eurovision is being held here in Malmo, and Israel is a part of the competition, and we think that’s wrong. They should not be a part of it, as Russia is not a part of it. And right now, the people in Gaza are at the last part that they could flee from the bombs, now they have nowhere place to go. And that’s terrible. So you should be outside. You should be here protesting for humanity, for people there."
6. SOUNDBITE (English) Tania Naranjo, protester:
"In Palestine. It’s horrible, what’s happening just now in Gaza, children, women and everyone out dying. And so you can’t be at home and wait for something, you have to say anything. And, I’m very happy that it’s so many people here today. And I am from Chile, I grew up here under Pinochet’s dictatorship. So I know what’s (inaudible) is like."
7. Various of protesters playing drums
8. Protesters chanting
9. Protesters carrying large banner reading (English): "No platform for genocide, Israel out off Eurovision"
10. SOUNDBITE (English) Tasnem Raouf, protester:
"I find it very, very strange that we are hosting Eurovision, during these circumstances."
11. Raouf marching with her child
12. SOUNDBITE (English) Tasnem Raouf, protester:
"We need to end the genocide basically. So this is the only thing we can do."
13. Various of protesters marching
14. SOUNDBITE (English) Saadallah Aoudi, protester:
"And I try to protest against Eurovision because it’s about songs, and songs is about love. And they should not be here because they lied to us. You know, songs bring them peace. If you are part of that, you have to condemn Israel’s aggression about the children."
15. Various of protesters
Not everyone in Malmo was welcoming the Eurovision Song Contest to town.

Thousands of pro-Palestinian demonstrators protested in the Swedish port city on Thursday against Israel’s participation in the pan-continental pop competition.

Protesters waving green, white and red Palestinian flags packed the historic Stortorget square near Malmo’s 16th-century town hall before a planned march through the city for a rally in a park several miles (kilometres) from the Eurovision venue.

Chanting “from the river to the sea, Palestine will be free!” and “Israel is a terror state,” the demonstrators set off smoke flares in the Palestinian colours during a noisy, peaceful rally to criticise Israel and call for a cease-fire.

There was a large police presence, with a hovering helicopter, and officers on rooftops with binoculars.

"Eurovision is being held here in Malmo, and Israel is a part of the competition, and we think that’s wrong. They should not be a part of it, as Russia is not a part of it," said Lorenzo Mayr who participated in the protest with his friend. "You should be here protesting for humanity, for people there."

The Israel-Hamas war, which has killed almost 35,000 Palestinians, has brought a jarring juxtaposition to Eurovision week in Malmo.

Music fans in colourful sequinned outfits or draped in their national flags mixed in the streets with supporters of the Palestinian cause in keffiyeh scarves.

Pro-Palestinian groups plan to march again on Saturday, the day of the Eurovision final.

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