South Korean president holds briefing to mark his second year in office

(9 May 2024)

Seoul, South Korea – 09 May 2024
1. Various of South Korean President Yoon Suk Yeol holding press conference to mark his second year in office
2. SOUNDBITE (Korean) Yoon Suk Yeol, South Korean President
"I apologize for causing concern to people due to my wife’s unwise behavior."
3. Wide of presser
4. SOUNDBITE (Korean) Yoon Suk Yeol, South Korean President:
"The previous administration zealously investigated me as the target for two and a half years, even using the special investigation department at the prosecutor’s office. I cannot help but ask whether they went easy on me or the investigation itself was insufficient. It does not make sense."
5. Various of presser
6. SOUNDBITE (Korean) Yoon Suk Yeol, South Korean President:
"I believe that the current investigation will find the root cause of the death of Corporal Chae (Su-geun). How can we poorly investigate? And everything will be revealed if we continue the current investigation."
7. Wide of presser
8. SOUNDBITE (Korean) Yoon Suk Yeol, South Korean President;
"The investigation body will explain the progress and result of the investigation in detail. If people are still not satisfied with the result, then I will call for a special investigation myself."
9. Various of presser
10. SOUNDBITE (Korean) Yoon Suk Yeol, South Korean President;
"We are doing our best to provide humanitarian and restoration aid to Ukraine with the financial resources available. We are supporting Ukraine with strict principle that we won’t provide any lethal weapons to any countries."
11. Wide of presser
12. SOUNDBITE (Korean) Yoon Suk Yeol, South Korean President;
"North Korea’s export of lethal weapons (to Russia) is an act of supporting illegal war against Ukraine. It is also a clear violation of the UN Security Council resolution related to North Korea’s illegal nuclear program. We will respond accordingly in coordination with UN and the international community."
13. Various of Yoon leaving
South Korea’s conservative president on Thursday dismissed prospects for independent investigations into allegations involving his wife and top officials, a move expected to draw strong rebukes from his liberal rivals.

In a press conference Thursday, President Yoon Suk Yeol said he apologizes for what he calls “my wife’s unwise behavior” over the Christian Dior bag acceptance. But he said he won’t make further comments as the scandal is under an investigation by prosecutors.

Yoon said the opposition party is politically attacking him by demanding for a new, special investigation on Kim’s shares price allegation, as Kim already wasn’t charged or convicted over it during previous investigations conducted when the Democratic Party was in power. In January, Yoon vetoed a bill calling for the independent investigation into her stock price allegation.

Regarding the demand for independent investigation on death of a marine, Corporal Chae Su-geun, last year, Yoon called the death of the marine “heart-broken” but made it clear he opposes an independent investigation because police and an anti-corruption investigation agency are currently examining the case.

Yoon said he would approve a new independent investigation if police and the anti-corruption investigation agency fail to address public suspicions over the case such as why he was mobilized without safety gear and whether the government tried to prevent top officials from being held accountable.

AP video shot by Yong-ho Kim


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