New scheme provides subsidised meals for Ukrainian schoolchildren

(9 May 2024)



LENGTH: 4:41

Mostyska, Ukraine – 30 April 2024

1. Various of Mostyska resident Mariya Bakay serving morning snack to her children Nazar, 8, and Anna, 7
2. Wide of Mariya helping Anna put on backpack
3. Wide of Mariya walking her children up to school
4. SOUNDBITE (Ukrainian) Mariya Bakay, mother:
“I have two children in the class, I pay about 700 hryvnias (about $17,5 US) per month for one child. If this program goes into effect, it is minus 30 percent, I save 210 hryvnias ($5,25 US), it turns out I will pay 490 hryvnias ($12,25 US) I think this is a relief for my family budget.”

5. Wide of school corridor
6. Mid of teacher
7. Various of class underway
8. Various of children colouring in different types of food
9. Anna with other classmates at front of class, showing work
10. SOUNDBITE (Ukrainian) Nadiya Gnatovska, Head of the Department of Education, Youth and Sports of Mostyska City Council:
“Education has two major tasks: healthy nutrition for children to raise physically and spiritually healthy youngsters, and also to provide quality knowledge. And now the reform of child care is one of the most important tasks for children. Why? Because we see fast food, we see locations where children can buy unhealthy food, but they stay in an educational institution for 6-7 hours, they must have hot food, that is why we took part in this project.”

11. Close-up of sign on wall with smiley face that reads (Ukrainian): “Healthy food.”
12. SOUNDBITE (Ukrainian) Nadiya Gnatovska, Head of the Department of Education, Youth and Sports of Mostyska City Council:
“Now it is very difficult for parents financially, if there are two or three children in an educational institution. In our country, lunches cost 40-45 hryvnias ($1 US). It is expensive to give such an amount of money every day, and if food is 30% cheaper, then more children will be involved in this program.”

13. Various of school cook Ivanna Nydza preparing lunch
14. SOUNDBITE (Ukrainian) Ivanna Nydza, school cook:
“On today’s menu is buckwheat porridge with thyme and butter, with chicken stew served with onions, with all seasonings – this is what is included in the menu. Dried fruit compote and pickled cucumber salad, fresh cabbage.”

15. Mid of children taking meals from the counter in cafeteria
16. Food being dished up
17. Child taking plate
18. Various of children eating lunch
19. Close of Anna saying lunch was tasty

Lviv, Ukraine – 1 May 2024

20. Mid of children’s playground
21. SOUNDBITE (Ukrainian) Olga Dorosh, nutritionist, physiologist:
“When we’re talking about wartime, when there’s chronic stress, it’s going to have a very strong impact. For example, when there is a deficiency of vitamin B1, which is found in grain products, legumes, and products of animal origin, then children who have a deficiency of this vitamin are less stress-resistant, it is very difficult for them to solve different problem plans, they can even be more aggressive.”

Mostyska, Ukraine – 30 April 2024

22. Various of children playing game on school grounds
23. Wide of children running into school building

Thousands of schoolchildren in conflict-hit Ukraine are set to benefit from subsidised school meals.

Under the scheme, The World Food Program is funding 30 percent of the cost of lunches at 420 elementary schools.


There’s no such thing as a free lunch.

But how about one that’s 30 percent cheaper?

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