Activists with Tibetan flags protest during Chinese President Xi’s visit to Hungary

(9 May 2024)

Budapest – 9 May 2024
1. Wide of protesters with Tibetan flags, UPSOUND (English): "Free Tibet, free Tibet!”
2. Wide of men on steps
3. Wide of protester chanting through megaphone in front of police, UPSOUND (English): "Shame on Xi Jinping, shame on Xi Jinping!”
4. Various of protesters with Tibetan flags and police officers, protesters climbing on fence
5. Various of counter-protesters with Chinese flags waving over bridge
6. SOUNDBITE (English) Tenzin Yangzom, Free Tibet activist from International Tibet Network:
"This is not China, is it? This is Hungary, it’s a free country, you have freedom of speech. Why is it that the Hungarian government is allowing the Chinese police to be operating on Hungarian streets? This is Hungary. Hungary should be free, of freedom of speech.”
7. SOUNDBITE (English) Thinle Shitsetsang, Free Tibet activist from Tibetan Youth Association of Europe:
"This is our flag. Where’s our flag? Our flags were covered from the beginning by those Chinese flags. They’re doing what they’re doing best. They’re covering our flags with their own flags.”
8. Various of demonstrators with Chinese flags on steps, police
9. SOUNDBITE (English) Tenzin Yangzom, Free Tibet activist from International Tibet Network:
"And you see this location, here first it was just us. It was just us with our Tibetan flag. Now we have three Chinese flags over us.”
10. Wide of protesters with Tibetan flag
UPSOUND (English): "China out of Tibet now! Dictator Xi Jinping!”
11. Close of man with red hat filming on phone
12. Pan from Budapest skyline to protesters
13. SOUNDBITE (English) Chemi Lhami, Free Tibet activist from Students for a Free Tibet:
"We’re here to unwelcome XI Jinping. Today is the second day in Budapest, and we’re here to let the national community and the European countries know that no business is okay with China. There is no win-win situation where the Chinese regime is doing business with any European nation, including France, including Serbia and now Hungary.”
14. Various of protesters chanting UPSOUND (English): "Shame on Xi Jinping, shame on Xi Jinping!”
15. Wide of Tenzin Yangzom arguing with police
16. Pan from police to protesters
17. Close of police checking passport
18. Wide of Yangzom talking to counter-protesters behind police
19. Counter-protester with camera
20. Close of protester chanting UPSOUND (English): "Free Tibet, free Tibet!”
21. Wide of protest, UPSOUND (English): "Xi Jinping is guilty of genocide!”
22. Various of counter-protesters with Chinese flags
Free Tibet activists tried to stage a protest in Budapest on Wednesday as Chinese President Xi Jinping continued his visit to the Hungarian capital.

Protesters carrying Tibetan flags gathered on Gellert Hill and chanted slogans including "Free Tibet" and "China out of Tibet now! Dictator Xi Jinping!”

Conflict broke out between the protesters and some of the red-capped Chinese nationals, who attempted to prevent activists from displaying Tibetan flags by obscuring them with their own Chinese national flags.

Xi arrived in Budapest on Wednesday for talks with Hungarian officials that are expected to include potential Chinese investments in infrastructure, energy and electric vehicle manufacturing.

Free Tibet activist Chemi Lhami said the protest was to "let the national community and the European countries know that no business is okay with China."

"There is no win-win situation where the Chinese regime is doing business with any European nation,” Lhami added.

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