No clear post-war plan for Gaza as Israel ramps up its ground offensive | DW News

Update from Gaza, where hundreds of thousands of evacuees have fled Rafah as repeated international calls urge Israel to exercise caution before launching a ground offensive on the city. Israel has been fighting Hamas across Gaza since the militant group carried out the October 7th terror attacks on Israel. But now Israeli soldiers are returning to the NORTH of the strip where Hamas forces have regrouped in areas Israel said it had cleared.

Meanwhile, sirens sounded across Israel in somber ceremonies to mark Memorial Day. This year’s commemoration is dedicated to the more than 1,200 people killed last fall by Hamas, as well as the soldiers who have died during the ongoing war in Gaza. Israeli citizens are still struggling to deal with the fallout of last October’s attacks. With reporting from DW’s Israel correspondent Tania Krämer and Middle East Analyst Shani Rozanes.

00:00 Intro Gaza update and report
02:14 Interview Tania Krämer
05:52 Intro Memorial Day and report
09:37 Interview Shani Rozanes

#gaza #israel #memorialday


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