Seoul Recaptured

(31 Dec 1950) Story 9, SEOUL RECAPTURED,
LC 111 CB 103/1, b&w, sound, 1950
"Seoul Recaptured" Soldiers run passed a bomb-damaged building on fire, in the South Korean capital, Seoul. Shots of UN-US troops in street under enemy fire. Good shots of street fighting from behind ‘sandbag" barricades. 7th Division Marines.
01:46:49: CU of camera man adjusting lens.
01:46:53: Further shots of destruction and bomb damage to buildings, troops and tanks (Sherman?) advancing along street under fire.
01:47:31: Sherman? tanks advancing along streets, through barricade.
01:47:57: Good shots of battle-weary soldiers, resting after re-taking Seoul. Shot of radio operators. CU soldiers writing letter and reading newspapers (headline "Marines Enter Seoul, Fight Reds in Streets").
01:48:17: "11th Airborne Flies To Korea" Establishing shot of "Ashiya Air Base", Japan. Scenes of troops (187th Airborne Regiment) loading ammunition and supplies onto vehicles to be flown to Korea. The paratroopers board C54s (Skymaster) and C119s (Flying Box Car). Shots of planes taking off and flying overhead.
01:49:07: They arrive at their destination, Kimpo Airfield. Paratroopers disembark.
01:49:22: Wounded soldiers carried onto plane on stretchers. Further scenes of planes on tarmac.
01:49:48: Supplies unloaded from planes including a disassembled 280 ton bridge.
01:49:59: Air Force leaders, past and present, inspect airbase, including George C Kenny, Lieutenant General George Stratemeyer, Carl Spots? (former Commander of US Airforce). In background is a captured enemy Yak plane.
01:50:23: F7F Tigercat nightfighter being loaded with 5 inch rockets for strikes near Seoul.
01:50:55: "Communist Atrocities" Scenes of bodies, "massacred by retreating reds", laid out on ground. CUs of some bodies show wounds inflicted, hands tied behind backs. Some people walk amongst the bodies, possibly trying to identify them.
01:51:54: Bomb and fire-damaged houses. CUs of charred bodies on ground and amongst debris.
01:52:17: Large mass grave at Taejon – CU s of mutilated/burned bodies.
01:52:59:"Typhoon Hits Sakai Army Base" Scenes of debris being blown around the US Army base in Sakai, Japan.

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