Cardi B, Eddie Redmayne, Jon Batiste, Lil Nas X all smiles at the Met Gala

(7 May 2024)
New York – 6 May 2024
1. Cardi B posing
(Reporter: “Cardi, is that a Cardi B-hive?” (referring to her hair style)
Cardi B: “It represents a black rose – a black rose that arose, bitch!”


2. SOUNDBITE (English) Jon Batiste, recording artist:
“You just come in and you want to have a great New York City night. It’s one of the iconic things that you can do in New York, and as a New Yorker now for almost 20 years from New Orleans, it’s just like a an experience that you just never get tired of. You never think that, “’Oh, I’m used to this.’”
(Reporter: “What happens in there that people don’t realize, like the average person, what kind of party is it?”)
Batiste: “It’s hard to describe. It’s more about the people and the experiences, because we rarely ever gather across the different industries. You know, we’re always doing our projects, our things are happening. And, you know, once or twice a year, maybe there’s a reason for us all to be in the same room together. So that’s an interesting thing that happens. And then within that it’s different every time. You know, some sometimes you might see a musician and you hang out and you talk about something and next thing you know, it leads to a record or a song or whatever, you know.”


3. SOUNDBITE (English) Lil Nas X, recording artist:
“It feels good, I can’t wait to drink and see all these famous people.”
(Reporter: “You’re a famous person yourself”)
“I like famous people too though. You know, like you’re a person. You like people, you know.”
(Reporter: “I like famous people. So let me ask you, what happens in there that we don’t get to see?”)
“I don’t want them, I don’t want them to exile – I’m kidding. It’s just like, you know, we eat the remaining… No, I’m not going to say it, I’m not going to say it. It’s cute though. It’s very fun. Last year, Lizzo performed and she ate it up. Hope we get some more stuff like that.”
(Reporter: “Tell me about your look.”)
“Can I tell you about it? I’m like, I’m like a flower, like blossoming, you know? That’s the vibe.”


4. SOUNDBITE (English) Tommy Hilfiger, fashion designer/entrepreneur – on the type of food at the Met Gala:
“I don’t think people are here for the food. They’re here for the entertainment. They’re here for the exhibit. They’re here to support Vogue and The Met and Anna Wintour. I mean, I think that it’s not really about the food, but it’s a great evening.”
(Reporter: “And do you dress yourself?”)
“Of course. And my wife. “


5. SOUNDBITE (English) Eddie Redmayne, actor:
“We’re wearing a young British designer called Steve O. Smith, who is extraordinary. He’s only been, he’s only had a couple of collections, and he paints and then sort of applies the paint to fabric and he’s wonderful.”
(Reporter: “What was it like when you first got that invited? You know, kind of what you wanted to wear? Or was a little bit of jockeyage?”)
“You know, there’s a wonderful man called Harry Lambert who is a brilliant stylist who I’ve worked with for years, and he’s amazing at finding new talent. And this is such an extraordinary night and showcases so many kind of titans here, it’s wonderful also to hopefully give a moment for a younger designer, too.”


6. SOUNDBITE (English) Dan Levy, actor:
“I knew I was going with the Loewe, so I had no worries. I knew I was covered. So, it was a very easy yes.”


6. SOUNDBITE (English) Kylie Minogue, recording artist:

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