At Florida school, teacher autonomy leads to classroom excellence

(6 May 2024)

Boca Raton, Florida – 15 April 2024
1. Students say hello in art class
2. Robotic arm showing a cellphone app that tests for eye disease
3. Close of student performing lab experiment
4. SOUNDBITE (English) Joel Herbst, A.D. Henderson School superintendent:

"So, A.D. Henderson FAU High School is a legislatively designated laboratory school. And the notion is, to improve the education practice in the state of Florida and beyond. You need to be able to tinker, if you will, experiment. This platform gives us the opportunity to do that, to dive deep into research, educational research, as well as other research as you’ve had the opportunity to see. And come up with solutions first affecting Florida and second, how can we impact the country as a whole relative to public education."
5. Student wearing headset for drone flying
6. Monitor showing drone flying through obstacle course
7. Students in science class writing
8. SOUNDBITE (English) Vanessa Stevenson, A.D. Henderson School teacher:

"There is a lot of our own individual input allowed in doing the activities that we want to do in the classroom, which I personally really like. And the students are fantastic."
9. Students in performing arts class
10. Students pointing at computer screen
11. Close of student on computer
12. SOUNDBITE (English) Julia Nance, A.D. Henderson School student:

"There’s so much you can learn how to do. You can take Miss Francani’s classes and learn how to sing, dance and act. You can take Mr. Carr and learn how to do taxes and finance and invest in stocks. You can do a bunch of different sports. And you really have the options to do everything. And there’s also all these tech classes and clubs where you don’t usually get in the average schools."
13. Student on flight simulator
14. Various of students making clay animals
15. SOUNDBITE (English) Lindsey Wuest, A.D. Henderson School teacher:

"You know, before I felt like my career was just destined to be this straight line of just being an art teacher. But now I see I can participate in research, I can be involved in a national level, I can create a new curriculum and study the impacts of it. And to me, that opens up a whole new world of being inspired and kind of reinvigorated to be a teacher."
16. Students walking out of classroom

Teachers at a Florida public school say the creativity they are allowed in the classroom is why their students excel on the state’s standardized tests.

A.D. Henderson School in Boca Raton houses more than 600 kindergarten through eighth graders, who score near the top on all of Florida’s tests.

Joel Herbst, superintendent of Henderson and its sibling, FAU High School, calls the faculty his “secret sauce” and argues the school’s success can be duplicated anywhere — if administrators cede some control.

Teachers there are expected to be creative and it works.

There are classes that teach medicine, aeronautics and robotics. Art is used to reinforce science lessons.

A teacher plans to add an equine medicine course next fall.

An eighth grader recently won the state’s middle school science fair for designing a cellphone app that tests for eye disease. 


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