Main candidates in Chad’s presidential election deliver final campaign message ahead of vote

(5 May 2024)


N’Djamena, Chad – 4 May 2024
1. Various of the candidate Succès Masra greeting his supporters from a car
2. Masra and his staff greeting supporters from a stage
3. SOUNDBITE (French) Succès Masra, candidate:
“We would like to rest in a country at peace and reconciled, so that the victory on the horizon is not that of one side against another, but that of all the people of Chad. The victory of the hope of peace, the victory of an enthusiastic future over a difficult past.”
4. Various of Masra’s supporters at the rally
5. SOUNDBITE (French) Succès Masra, candidate:
“All we have to do is go out and vote and keep an eye together (the ballot counts) and on (May) 7, at sunrise, we’ll celebrate victory together. Not the victory of the past, but the victory of a future centered on the rock of justice, equality and servant leadership.”
6. Various of supporters of the candidate of the military junta, Mahamat Idriss Deby Itno (MIDI), singing, dancing and walking at the rally
7. Supporter Hanefa Alioungar at the rally with other supporters of MIDI
8. SOUNDBITE (French) Hanefa Alioungar, supporter of MIDI:
“They say that power is given by God, but I can say that the result (of this election) is known in advance, because this coalition is behind a single candidate (MIDI). As a Chadian and a patriot, my only prayer is that this election takes place in peace.”
9. Masra supporters on camels at a rally
The main candidates in Chad’s presidential election have, Saturday, delivered their final campaign messages ahead of the May 6 vote.

The prime minister of Chad’s transition government Succes Masra addressed supporters in the capital, N’Djamena, and set out some of his campaign pledges.

The former African Development Bank executive promised young people a better future with the creation of more jobs.

A "minimum package of dignity" in his programme includes an ambitious five-year plan to create 200-thousand jobs, divided equally between the private and public sectors.

"We’ll celebrate victory together. Not the victory of the past, but the victory of a future centered on the rock of justice, equality and servant leadership,” Masra told the crowd.

He also urged his supporters to remain vigilant during the election and the vote count.

Across the capital, supporters of the election front-runner celebrated their candidate’s success.

Interim President General Mahamat Idriss Deby Itno (MIDI) is backed by a broad coalition of political parties and civil society groups.

Deby’s supporters boast of his success in optimizing the country’s defence and security, national reconciliation, and the organization of referendums on a new constitution.


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