Iraqi students gather in Baghdad to demand an end to the war in Gaza

(5 May 2024)

Baghdad, Iraq – 05 May 2024
1. Various of students waving Iraqi and Palestinian flags during a solidarity protest in Baghdad
2. Various of protests, placards reading (Arabic) ”Palestine is my cause”
3. SOUNDBITE (Arabic) Muhammed Baqir, protester:
“We the students at the University of Baghdad and all other universities in Iraq stand in solidarity with the students at universities in the world, especially the American and European ones, which condemn the aggression against Gaza and stand in solidarity with our people. We call on international organizations, the United Nations and all responsible parties to intervene to achieve a ceasefire and put an end to this brutal aggression.”
4. Various of students holding banners reading (Arabic): “I am an Iraqi university student in solidarity with international student movements….I support Palestine.”
5. Students chanting (Arabic):“ You American liar, you support terrorism and suppress students.”
6. Placard reading (English): ”Thank you, American students, your voice has reached the world.”
7. SOUNDBITE (Arabic) Aya Qader, protester:
“The Palestinian issue is not an Arab or Muslim issue, but rather a humanitarian issue and our solidarity stance with the Palestinians will certainly continue until this genocide against them stops."
8. Various of protesters waving Palestinian and Iraqi flags

Dozens of students in Iraq gathered near Baghdad University’s Al Jadria complex on Sunday to demonstrate against Israel’s ongoing assault on Gaza.

Waving Palestinian and Iraq flags and holding banners, many of the students also wore a black and white checkered keffiyeh, a traditional scarf that has become a symbol of Palestinian solidarity.

"The Palestinian issue is not an Arab or Muslim issue, but rather a humanitarian issue and our solidarity stance with the Palestinians will certainly continue until this genocide against them stops," said student protester Aya Qader.

The student protests in Iraq follow similar pro-Palestinian demonstrations in other parts of the world, particularly on several U.S. university campuses in recent weeks.

One placard at the Baghdad protest read: "Thank you, American students, your voice has reached the world.”

AP video shot by Ali Jabar
Production by Ahmed Sami


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