Deaf teen from Nairobi slums excels in community ballet programme

(4 May 2024)



LENGTH: 6.09

Nairobi, Kenya – 20 April 2024

1. Various of Kibera slum
2. Various of Gorrety Akinyi, deaf ballet student helping her mother cut vegetables at her grocery shop
3. Various of Akinyi getting ready to go practise ballet
4. Various of Akinyi going to dance ballet
5. Various of Akinyi dancing ballet
6. SOUNDBITE (Sign language) Gorrety Akinyi, deaf ballet student:
"Back in 2020 during the COVID-19 pandemic, that is when I joined Project Elimu. I was the only deaf girl but Mike (Michael Wamaya, founder Project Elimu) was so willing to help me and I remember them wondering how I would do it now because I am deaf and it is about dancing. So I had to copy what the hearing are doing, as I can’t hear and speak as well."

7. Various of Akinyi dancing ballet
8. SOUNDBITE (Sign language) Gorrety Akinyi, deaf ballet student:
"I used to see them wonder, and maybe I could say they were gossiping about me, because you know, I couldn’t speak, I couldn’t hear what they were saying but now things have really changed because I have been teaching them how to use sign language and so we can even have a discussion and show each other how to dance."

9. Various of Akinyi dancing ballet
10. SOUNDBITE (Sign language) Gorrety Akinyi, deaf ballet student:
"I think I am inspired and in the future I want to continue dancing. I’m in high school and once I am done, I would wish to continue with ballet. I copy the dance movement from others because I can’t hear or lip read. I just want to ask if ballet can have a rule where they count one to four and then they change the body movement and act."

11. Various of Akinyi dancing ballet
12. Various of Florence Awino, Akinyi’s mother watching her dance
13. SOUNDBITE (Kiswahili) Florence Awino, Akinyi’s mother:
"Ever since she joined ballet, I have seen a great improvement. Even in terms of the way she dances, you would assume she can hear but she doesn’t hear. It’s by God’s grace that she has come this far. She is a person that you wouldn’t imagine could get to the same level of dancing and playing with those who can hear."

14. Various of Akinyi dancing ballet
15. Various of Erick Mwangi, ballet teacher
16. SOUNDBITE (English) Erick Mwangi, ballet teacher:
"We do not discriminate in this place whichever capability you have, you are welcome in this place. That is why you have realised even the special kids, you can’t notice that a certain kid is special in a certain way especially when they are dancing because they have learnt to be together, to dance as a team. They have learnt to respect each other, to love each other, to share whatever we have."

17. Various of Akinyi dancing ballet in class
18. Various of Akinyi dancing ballet in a Kibera street


A deaf teenager from a Nairobi slum has defied expectation by excelling in a community ballet programme, despite not being able to hear the music.

17- year old Gorrety Akinyi – the only deaf student in her ballet class – has been able to master the routines by carefully copying her teacher and classmates.


In the heart of Nairobi city, amidst the chaos of Kenya’s largest informal settlement, Kibera, a 17- year old girl is hurriedly helping her mother with household chores and cutting vegetables at the family’s grocery store.

Growing up deaf, Gorrety Akinyi has learnt to navigate life’s challenges with determination.

In a programme where sound is so important, Akinyi’s decision was met with disbelief among her hearing peers.

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