Turkey halts Israeli imports and exports, as Colombia cuts diplomatic ties with Israel – AP explains

(3 May 2024)

Jerusalem – 3 May 2024
1. SOUNDBITE (English) Jon Gambrell, AP news director for the Persian Gulf and Iran:
"Turkey has stopped the import and export of all Israeli goods into its country. It just shows just how much internationally the Israel-Hamas war has really strained tensions in the Middle East and the wider world. We’ve also seen Colombia follow two other Latin American nations in halting their diplomatic relations with Israel. Now, as far as Colombia goes, Colombia has military equipment that it has from Israel that will still need to be serviced. It remains unclear if it will affect the trade between those two nations. For Turkey, Turkey was one of the first nations in the Middle East to recognize Israel after its formation in 1948, and Turkey and Israel have had an up-and-down relationship in the decades since, particularly under Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, who has always leaned towards Islamists. Now, when it comes to the wider war, it remains unclear if we’re going to see this cease-fire, that cease-fire between Israel and Hamas may see more aid get into the Gaza Strip, may see those remaining hostages released by Hamas and may see hundreds of other Palestinian prisoners released. That could calm international tensions. But the longer that this war goes on, the more complicated it gets for Israel in the international community."

ARCHIVE: New York – 19 September 2023
2. Various of bilateral meeting between Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu

ARCHIVE: Istanbul – 27 December 2019
3. Various of the ship Songa Iridium being pulled away by emergency response boats at the Bosphorus Strait of Istanbul

Bogota, Cundinamarca, Colombia – 1 May 2024
4. Various of Colombian President Gustavo Petro speaking about cutting diplomatic relations with Israel, crowds

ARCHIVE: Maghazi Refugee Camp, Gaza Strip – 5 November 2023
5. Aerial shot showing damaged buildings, people searching for survivors ++MUTE++

ARCHIVE: Deir al-Balah, Central Gaza Strip – 1 January 2024
6. Various of drone shots showing the destruction of building after Israeli airstrike ++MUTE++
AP correspondent Jon Gambrell outlines Turkey and Colombia’s decisions on relations with Israel as cease-fire negotiations still hang in the balance.

Turkey has halted all imports and exports of Israeli goods, while Colombia has cut diplomatic ties.

Their moves come as international tensions over the war in the Gaza Strip continue to rise despite hopes of a cease-fire.

Turkey on Thursday suspended all imports and exports to Israel citing the country’s ongoing military action in Gaza and vowed to continue to impose the measures until the Israeli government allows the flow of humanitarian aid to the region.

Colombian President Gustavo Petro on Wednesday described Israel’s actions in Gaza as “genocide” and announced his government would end diplomatic relations with Israel effective Thursday. But he did not address how his decision could affect Colombia’s military, which uses Israeli-built warplanes and machine guns to fight drug cartels and rebel groups, and a free trade agreement between both countries that went into effect in 2020.


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