Morgan Wallen’s attorney says country singer is doing well in midst of criminal charges against him

(3 May 2024)

Nashville, Tennessee – 3 May 2024
1. SOUNDBITE (English) Worrick Robinson, attorney for Morgan Wallen:
"Worrick Robinson, on behalf of Mr. Wallen, he will not be attending this morning. We did provide the appropriate waiver order and notified the district attorney’s office of that. We’re looking at dates right now and hopefully we will have that shortly after the docket is called."
2. SOUNDBITE (English) Worrick Robinson, attorney for Morgan Wallen:
"Morgan will be here on August 15 and we will either – Several things can happen in a case. We might have a hearing, we might settle the case, the case might be continued. Those are the options."
Reporter: How is he doing?
Robinson: "Morgan’s, Morgan’s doing well. Morgan’s doing well. He’s very busy, which is good. He’s a family man. I think this concert is especially special for him because his family lives close. His family is in town. I think those are the best times in his life when his house is full with family, neices, his son, sisters. So I think right now is a good time."
3. Mid of Worrick Robinson walking through the courtroom
4. SOUNDBITE (English) Worrick Robinson, attorney for Morgan Wallen:
Reporter: "Does he feel any guilt for the danger he put officers in and has he spoken to them?
Robinson: "Well, I think you everybody saw Morgan’s statement that before he wanted to say anything publicly that he wanted to check in with several people, including the Metro Police Department, also with the people at Chief’s. And so he has, he has done what I think we would expect any good person to do when there’s something such as this happens. And I think he’s, you know, the way he was raised and the way he was growing up, he grew up, I think that the those parts of him feel compelled to have conversations before you apologize to people as a whole. So he has, he has taken some steps to try to make sure people know he’s taking responsibility for what happened.
Reporter: "The police report in this case said that he was seen laughing afterwards. What about throwing a chair six stories off of a rooftop bar is funny?"
Robinson: "Well, as each of you know, you can’t always believe everything you read. And I haven’t seen anything to suggest that at all. So, I don’t have any proof that that that is correct."
Reporter: "So you have seen the video from the bar?"
Robinson: "I have seen-"
Reporter: "What is in that video?"
Robinson: "Well, it’s you know, the video will certainly speak for itself."
Reporter: "So there is video surveillance."
Robinson: "There is, just like any bar, any restaurant downtown, anybody that lives in the neighborhood, everybody’s got a ring camera. So. But yes."
5. Wide of Worrick Robinson leaving the court room
A hearing for country music star Morgan Wallen has been scheduled for later this summer over charges alleging that he threw a chair off a rooftop of a six-story bar that nearly hit two police officers.
Wallen’s attorney, Worrick Robinson, told reporters Friday that the case was “very complicated” but promised that Wallen would be in attendance at the now scheduled August 15 hearing after waiving his right to be in court on Friday.
The “One Thing at a Time” singer has been charged with three felony counts of reckless endangerment and one misdemeanor count of disorderly conduct, court records show.
Robinson said that the singer is "doing well" as he is headlining three stadium concerts in Nashville this weekend and his family is visiting with him.
Robinson also refused to answer whether Wallen was in rehab.

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