Science and nature inspire huge new sculpture series at London’s Kew Gardens

(2 May 2024)




LENGTH: 6:48

London, UK – 1 May 2024

1. Various of ‘The Evolution of Forms’ by Marc Quinn, outside Kew Gardens’ Palm House. The stainless steel sculpture is based on a Sobralia orchid found at Kew Gardens and is part of a new exhibition called ‘Light into Life’
2. Close of water droplets on sculpture
3. Various of ‘Happy Tree’ sculpture outside Temperate House, based on Camptotheca acuminata, a plant from which cancer drugs are derived
4. Various top shots inside Temperate House
5. Pan down to ‘The Morphology of Forms’
6. Mid of sculpture
7. Various of artists Marc Quinn filming his sculpture ‘Turmeric’
8. SOUNDBITE (English) Marc Quinn, artist:
"Kew approached me to do something and I came down, and I hadn’t really been for a long time. And when I came here and realised that they have hundreds of scientists doing research and horticulturists and I spent more and more time here, I realised that there was actually a whole show to do here, so we worked together to do that. I mean, the sculpture we’re standing next to now is from a herbarium sample, and they’re sculptures of plants that have been used to create anti-cancer medicines."

9. Wide of Palm House
10. Sculpture based on palms in front of Palm House
11. Various of ‘Sabal’, based on palm plants
12. Wide of ‘Photosynthetic Form’ based on Phalaenopsis orchid
13. Close of sculpture
14. Various of ‘The Release of Oxygen’, based on a Phalaenopsis orchid, amongst plants in Temperate House
15. SOUNDBITE (English) Marc Quinn, artist:
"Yeah, I love the way they interact with the gardens and I love also the idea that these sculptures that were conceived here are now shown here. So they’re kind of like being born into their own environment. And it’s such a beautiful place. And because there’s so much about reflection, you see this beauty doubled, trebled, redoubled. It just feels to me like a beautifully integral presentation."

16. Various of ‘Burning Desire’ in area of Kew’s Great Pagoda building
17. SOUNDBITE (English) Paul Denton, Head of Visitor Programmes and Exhibitions, Kew:
"They are colossal. So lots of the works were brought here, and it’s taken over two months to get individual works in place. We work really closely, you know the gardens are open 364 days a year and so we have to work really closely with both the horticultural team and the gardens team to kind of work out how are we going to do this and make it work. So some are existing works that get brought in, some are new works that were fabricated but have to be remade on site and it’s that technical problem which is hugely amazing and an amazing group of teams make it happen."

18. Vehicle passing ‘Turmeric’
19. Tilt down of ‘Turmeric’, Temperate House in background
20. Various of reflections in ‘Turmeric’
21. Various of senior research leader in biological chemistry at Kew, Dr. Melanie-Jayne Howes, looking at ‘Pacific Yew’ sculpture, based on plant from which cancer drugs have been derived
22. SOUNDBITE (English) Dr. Melanie-Jayne Howes, biological chemistry scientist, Kew:

23. Various of ‘Bismarkia’, based on palm plants
24. SOUNDBITE (English) Dr. Melanie-Jayne Howes, biological chemistry scientist, Kew:
"We currently know that around 45% of flowering plants are at risk of extinction and so it’s absolutely critical that we can preserve biodiversity, so plants, fungi and other organisms, because we could potentially be losing opportunities to find solutions to challenges, for example, to our health and also to our environment."


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