Hundreds of baby sea turtles rescued after rare storm in South Africa given temporary new home

(2 May 2024)


Struisbaai, South Africa – 9 April 2024
1. Various of stranded turtle hatchlings being rescued and placed in cardboard box

Cape Town, South Africa – 23 April 2024
2. SOUNDBITE (English) Talitha Noble-Trulld, Centre manager at Turtle Conservation Centre: ++OVERLAID BY SHOT 1++
“They are ocean messengers, they are telling us what the state of the ocean is.”
3. Wide of turtle hatchlings in reused ice cream containers and numbered
4. Various of two turtle hatchlings in their individual containers with their numbers both on the box and written on their shells
5. SOUNDBITE (English) Talitha Noble-Trulld, Centre manager at Turtle Conservation Centre: ++OVERLAID BY SHOTS 3 AND 4++
"Members of the public and dedicated, passionate people who have walked along the beach, found these turtles that have washed up on the coastline and brought them to us.”
6. Wide of centre manager at Turtle Conservation Centre, Talitha Noble-Trulld
7. SOUNDBITE (English) Talitha Noble-Trulld, Centre Manager at Turtle Conservation Centre: ++STARTS ON SHOT 6++
“We have a whole lot of turtles that have been rescued from along our coastline and are currently undergoing rehabilitation."
8. Mid of marine biologist administering medication to a rescued turtle
9. Wide of marine biologists amongst tanks with rescued turtles
10. SOUNDBITE (English) Heather Wares, Communications Manager at Two Oceans Aquarium: ++STARTS ON SHOT 9, ENDS ON SHOT 11++
“We have a turtle team with veterinary staff as well who put together those rehabilitation plans for those turtles and once they are in a good body health, they then get released into the wild again.”
11. Close of turtle swimming in tank
Over 500 turtle hatchlings were found washed up on South African beaches following a severe storm earlier this month.

Luckily, members of the public and volunteers from the Turtle Conservation Centre were able to rescue most of them, bringing the hatchlings to their facility based at the Two Oceans Aquarium in Cape Town.

The little turtles are mostly endangered loggerheads and should be cruising the ocean.

Most of them will instead spend the first few months of their lives in newly built plastic tanks at the Two Oceans Aquarium.

The aquarium is rehabilitating around 400 of the roughly 530 sick and injured turtles that were brought in, while sending the rest to two other aquariums to spread the load.


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