Water cannons used to disperse some at Chile May Day march

(1 May 2024)

Santiago, Chile – 1 May 2024
1. Protester throws Molotov cocktail at tear gas truck
2. Water canon fires to try to disperse protesters
3. Water cannon puts out fire of tear gas truck
4. Tear gas truck fires at protesters
5. Water canon and tear gas truck try to disperse protesters
6. Protesters protect themselves from water canon
7. Police throw tear gas bomb
8. Protester holds Chilean flag in front of the water canon
9. Protesters in front of a banner reading (Spanish) “May 1st, Classist and combative”
10. Water cannon tries to disperse protesters
11. Protester throws red paint at water canon
12. SOUNDBITE (Spanish) Angelica Molina, demonstrator:
"We are celebrating that we now work 40 hours, that the minimum wage has increased, that is a big step, and we are trying to change the pension and social security system of the AFP (Pension Fund Administrators), but that has yet to happen. It has not been achieved, why? Because there is not a majority that is interested in change."
13. People playing drum
14. Face of former Chilean President Salvador Allende, text below it reading (Spanish) “The dream exists”
15. People holding flag of the communist party of Chile
16. People holding banner at the march
17. Woman holds banner calling for pension reform
18. Young people from the communist party with flags, singing
19. People marching with flags and banners
Workers and activists marked May Day in Santiago on Wednesday with a largely peaceful demonstration, while some clashes between police and protesters broke out in other areas of the capital.

"We are celebrating that we now work 40 hours, that the minimum wage has increased, that is a big step," Angelica Molina.

The next step, she said, is changing the pension and social security system of the AFP (Pension Fund Administrators).

Several organisations and unions were represented in the march,
including the Unitary Central of Workers (CUT), the main multi-union organization in Chile.

While most of the demonstration was peaceful, clashes between authorities and protesters in other areas of downtown Santiago.

The clashes forced the closure of various metro stations and resulted in the arrest of several people, although no injuries were reported.

AP video shot by Alexandre Plaza


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