Thousands march in Taipei streets in Labour Day protest

(1 May 2024)

Taipei City, Taiwan – 1 May 2024
1. Various of Labour Day protesters pushing inflatable balls during gathering in Taipei City
2. SOUNDBITE (Mandarin) Chen De-hui, 28, Secretary for the Taipei Art Creator Trade Union:
“The lack of knowledge in related laws is a big obstacle for us. We want to let artists and everyone know that no matter whether you are an employee or not, you have to be paid when it is due.”
3. Various of Labour Day protesters
4. SOUNDBITE (Mandarin) Wei Yang, 36, Member of Taiwan Climate Action Network:
“The climate is worsening. The Earth is increasingly hot. There are more and more floods and storms. Such a situation is actually harmful to all. Especially workers who are outdoors, because they are confronting increasingly unfriendly working conditions. First, we want people to be aware of the climate, and we hope to gain support in the change we are working on.”
5. Various of Labour Day protesters marching in streets
6. SOUNDBITE (Mandarin) Hu Sheng-chi, 58, Representative of cement industry:
“I represent the traditional industry. We hope to decrease overtime hours in our industry, and we are fighting for enough holidays. This year, we also proposed that we are given back our seven days holiday. In the past, the government took away the seven days holiday from us. So, our working hours did not decrease. Therefore, we request that the government give us back our seven days holidays.”
7. Various of protesters holding signs that urge the government to amend the Labour law
8. Wide of protesters with giant inflatable balls
Thousands of Labour Day protesters marched through the streets of Taipei City on Wednesday afternoon, calling on the government to create better conditions for workers.

May Day, which falls on May 1, is observed in many countries to celebrate workers’ rights.

May Day events have also given many an opportunity to air general economic grievances or political demands.

AP video shot by: Taijing Wu


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