Students’ protests take over some campuses but at others their attention is elsewhere

(1 May 2024)

Boston – 29 April 2024
1. Students walking near an imposing building on the Boston College campus
2. SOUNDBITE (English) Juliana Parisi, Boston College sophomore:
"Basically, students were allowed to protest, but there was only supposed to be chanting and, just like, speeches. And the speeches and chanting were not allowed to have any amplification devices. So, there was no microphones, nothing like that. And, yeah, a lot of BC students are having problems with the lack of speech on campus.”
3. Students walking across the Boston College campus
4. SOUNDBITE (English) Juliana Parisi, Boston College sophomore:
“But I do think it’s kind of disheartening that there isn’t as much of a passion. There is some passion here, but not nearly as much as at other colleges.”
5. A golden eagle spreads its wings near a building on campus
6. SOUNDBITE (English) Juliana Parisi, Boston College sophomore:
“I think it’s not only a problem – I think it is a problem with the students, but then I also think it’s a problem with the administration here.”
7. Wide of flowers and pathway on Boston College campus
8. SOUNDBITE (English) Emmett Carrier, Boston college junior:
"I think it’s just not the vibe, you know, at this school. Obviously, people care about the issue, given the protests, and whatever. People are very upset about it on social media, and what have you. But I just think people, I don’t think they’re as committed to it here as they are at other schools. Maybe because it’s a Catholic school, I don’t know.”

New York –30 April 2024
9. SOUNDBITE (English) Robert Cohen, New York University history and social studies professor:
“I would say that this is the biggest student movement in the United States in the 21st Century. But again, you could say, well that’s like being the tallest building in Wichita, Kansas. You know, big deal. But it is something. I think it does show a concern about the killing, and the war, the tragedy, in Gaza. It is significant, I think. But you have to put it in perspective.”

Boston – 29 April 2024
10. Students on the Boston College campus

A student protest movement has washed over the country since police first tried to end an encampment at Columbia University in New York nearly two weeks ago.

There have been fiery rhetoric and tumultuous arrests on high-profile campuses from New York to Los Angeles.

But millions of students across the country have continued with their daily routines of working their way through school, socializing and studying for exams.

The protests are demonstrating wide differences among Americans in 2024, even those who have tended to be united at different times, like the 1960s.

Take Boston, the city most identified with American higher education.

Students have set up encampments in, at least, five campuses, including Northeastern University, the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and Harvard University.

But calm has prevailed elsewhere, including at Boston College, a Jesuit institution with an enrollment of 15,000.

Boston College students held a protest rally against the Israel-Hamas war last week.

Bullhorns were banned, lest the noise disturb studying for finals.

Tents weren’t allowed.

Students who’d been arrested at other Boston campus protests were barred.

After an allotted hour, the students went quietly back to their rooms.

AP Video shot by Charles Krupa


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