Protesters march through Beirut’s streets to mark International Workers’ Day

(1 May 2024)

Beirut, Lebanon – 1 May 2024
1. Wide of demonstrators marching in the street ++SOUND QUALITY AS INCOMING++
2. Various of marching demonstrators holding giant Palestinian flag, their chants include UPSOUND (Arabic): "We die and Palestine lives" ++SOUND QUALITY AS INCOMING++
3. SOUNDBITE (English) Mohammad Qasem, demonstrator:
“First of all, I have to congratulate all the workers in the world for their day. But what is going on in Gaza is really a catastrophe, as well as a massacre that Israel is making, against the Palestinians. And they are on also, repressing and they are forbidding all workers from there, they are depressing all workers and preventing them from all their rights. Not only that, they are not keeping them alive. "
4. Various of demonstrators marching
5. SOUNDBITE (Arabic) Abed Tabbaa, demonstrator:
“Today we celebrate Labor Day in Lebanon, which comes at a time when Lebanese workers are in a very bad situation and enduring unbearable suffering. Today, politicians do not feel the pain of the worker or the economic conditions. Therefore, the situation of the worker in Lebanon today is very dire, and we are trying to overcome this suffering. We call on all Lebanese workers to unite against the symbols of corruption and power that have led the living conditions of workers to an undesirable state."
6. Various of demonstrators chanting and marching, chants include UPSOUND (Arabic): "From Gaza, the decision has come: Intifada (uprising) and victory"
7. Lebanese security forces
Hundreds of protesters marched through the streets of Beirut on Wednesday to mark International Workers’ Day.

The country is in the throes of a crippling economic crisis and spiraling inflation, with more of them three-quarters of the population now living in poverty.

Demonstrator Abed Tabbaa called for Lebanese workers to "unite against the symbols of corruption and power."

Lebanon’s economic crisis came following decades of corruption and economic mismanagement, and in recent years bore the repercussions of the war in neighboring Syria, and the war in Ukraine.

This year, the May day demonstration comes amid Israel’s war against Hamas in Gaza and heightened tensions along Lebanon’s border with Israel.

Hezbollah started attacking Israeli military posts along the border on Oct. 8, a day after the militant Palestinian group Hamas carried out its attack on southern Israel killing 1,200 people and taking 250 hostages triggering the ongoing war.

Since then, more than 350 people have been killed in Lebanon including over 260 Hezbollah members and about 50 civilians.

The exchange has killed at least 12 soldiers and nine civilians in Israel.

AP video shot by Fadi Tawil


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