Labour Day rally in the Philippines

(1 May 2024)

Manila, Philippines – 1 May 2024
1. Various of protesters
2. Protesters chanting with megaphone
3. Protesters marching
4. Various of protesters
5. SOUNDBITE (English) Josua Mata, Secretary General of SENTRO union:
"This march today, where all trade union groups, of all colours and shades, ideologically or politically, have banded together. We’ve all decided to march together in order to press a common issue. And that is the extreme need for Malacanang (Malacanang Palace is the official residence of the President of the Philippines) to press for wage increases for workers"
6. Riot police with shields trying to block protesters marching towards the U.S. embassy
7. Protesters chanting
8. SOUNDBITE (English) Josua Mata, Secretary General of SENTRO union:
"We believe that the government, particularly the department of labour, has been remiss in their duty in addressing all the major concerns of labour. We have been asking for major policy changes in order to prevent the red-tagging, you know, trade union killings that has happened during the previous administration and continues to happen today."
9. Protesters carrying signs
10. Wide of riot police blocking protesters
Hundreds of workers and activists took part in May Day protests in the scorching summer heat in Manila on Wednesday, demanding wage increases and greater job security amid soaring food and oil prices.

Waving red flags and holding up posters, the protesters held street rallies, where they chanted and delivered speeches about the plight of Filipino labourers.

"We believe that the government, particularly the department of labour, has been remiss in their duty in addressing all the major concerns of labour," said Josua Mata, Secretary General of the SENTRO union.

Riot police stopped the protesting workers from getting close to the presidential palace and U.S. embassy in the Philippine capital.

May Day, which falls on May 1, is observed in many countries to celebrate workers’ rights.

May Day events have also given many an opportunity to air general economic grievances or political demands.


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