(4 Apr 2000) Russian/Nat

Fighting continues in the foothills of the Chechen mountains in what has become an established frontline between the Russian army and Chechen rebels.

Chechen rebels continue to descend from the mountains and stage surprise attacks in the Russian-controlled lowlands.

In this southeastern region of Chechnya near the town of Vedeno, the Russian army has been firing multiple rocket launchers into the mountains in an attempt to, if not force back the rebels, at least keep them in the mountains.

Russian troops have driven the main rebel forces out of the northern flatlands into the mountains that make up Chechnya’s southern third, but seem unable to progress much further.

Many of the problems of ambushing and hijackings seem to stem from inadequate communications.

SOUNDBITE: (Russian)
"Unfortunately because of the lack of coordination by certain officials at various stages, the column (of OMON from Perm), without coordinating or asking anyone, entered into a zone that we were categorically not allowed to enter."
SUPER CAPTION: Vitaly Imskov, paratrooper

According to one soldier, now the difference between the rebels and the civilians is very vague and they are ready to fight anybody.

SOUNDBITE: (Russian)
"Here the difference between rebels and local civilians is difficult to see, that is why when we talk about rebels we mean people who are with weapons. Our intelligence works to find zones and bases of the rebels, so there are confrontations but less and less."
SUPER CAPTION: Vitaly Imskov, paratrooper

Spring is slowly coming to the breakaway southern republic and leaves are beginning to appear on trees in the region, making it easier for the rebels to hide from Russian forces.

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