Street artists turn Madrid into open-air gallery

(29 Apr 2024)



LENGTH: 7’32

Madrid, Spain – 28 April 2024
1. Wide of artist painting in the street during Pinta Malasaña urban art festival
2. Ground shot of artist “Pigmento” decorating shop window in central Madrid
3. Various of “Pigmento” painting
4. Wide of food store shutters being painted with colorful sprays
5. Diverse colors on the ground as artist decorates a music store
6. Wide of Plaza del Dos de Mayo, where the festival is taking place
7. SOUNDBITE (Spanish) Diego Casado, festival organizer:
“Well, Pinta Malasaña is an urban art festival in which 100 artists intervene in 100 spaces that have been previously given to them by shopkeepers, institutions and neighbors who want them to paint in their spaces and who, indeed, let them paint in a totally free way, that is, each artist has previously presented a proposal and they freely shape it in the space that has been lent to them. We are going to paint blinds, windows, doors, walls, everything. And with different artistic techniques as well.”

9. Man taking picture of artist painting an elephant
10. Various of artist Paula Díaz “Penfishh” mixing colors for artwork on bookstore wall
11. SOUNDBITE (Spanish) Paula Díaz “Penfishh”, artist:
“It is inspired by a book I read by John Berger called “Why look at animals?” and it reflects on animal behavior and how we relate to them. So, I wanted to make kind of a… well, in my works I always try to generate a question or that you see it and say, what is this?”

12. Close of spray paints
13. Various of Ukrainian artist “Khvylya” using spray paints
14. Sculpture and window behind with paper cutouts
15. Close of artwork in window
16. Various of artist painting on window
17. Wide of artist posing next to the door he has painted pink
18. Information tent where people’s votes are collected for the best art work
19. Various of people voting for their favorite artwork
20. SOUNDBITE (English) Becky Wilson and daughter, street art fans:
“We think this is great. To have art in the barrios and it’s very cool to see the artist as well because they’re not just Spanish artists, they’re international artists, so it’s really cool for my kid also to see, you know, like life of an artist, and how the street art can affect how a barrio looks as well. And it’s a great initiative for families and artists to be known. So yeah it is really cool, we love it”

21. Wide of street next to primary school where kids are invited to paint and participate in the festival
22. Various of Gael painting on the wall of the Isabel la Católica primary school as part of the festival activities
23. Various of Gael and Guillermo painting.
24. Wide of square where kids are invited to paint accompanied by their parents
25. Artist and educator “Llukutter” talking to parents
26. SOUNDBITE (Spanish) Llukutter, artist and educator for social transformation:
“There is a part of the speeches that says that painting on walls does not change anything, but there are small changes. And to give life to this square during a Sunday, in which the same children who also during the week are here, but today they are also doing something for their school and for the square, is a small change. And this may last, it may not last long, but it marks moments”.

27. Man and woman watching artist paints a restaurant window from inside
28. Artist painting window
29. People watching artist from street
30. Various of artist Christina Healy drawing on a shutter

32. Neighbor María Fátima Morera talking to artists


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