Pro-Palestinian student protesters encampment continues at Columbia University

(28 Apr 2024)

New York – 28 April 2024
1. Pro-Palestinian demonstration encampment at Columbia University
2. SOUNDBITE (English) Ari (last name not given), undergraduate student and encampment supporter:
"This encampment and myself are here first and foremost to take a stance against the ongoing genocide in Gaza and the occupation of all of Palestine from the river to the sea. And I believe that it is our fundamental responsibility as U.S. students to take whatever tangible action is possible. And as students at an extremely prestigious university and universities across the globe, one of the most tangible actions we can take is to demand disclosure of investments and divestment from investments that are actively funding the Zionist regime and the genocide in Gaza."
3. Close of a sign that says "No justification for genocide" and a Palestinian flag with students’ encampment in the background
4. SOUNDBITE (English) Ari (last name not given), undergraduate student and encampment supporter:
"So we have student negotiators who come to a negotiating table with admin every single day. Negotiations are ongoing."
5. Mid of encampment
6. SOUNDBITE (English) Ari (last name not given), undergraduate student and encampment supporter:
"Encampment itself is incredibly peaceful. I’m a Jewish student. I feel very, very safe here. And any antagonism, any contention really comes from the outside and comes from people not understanding and making a lot of assumptions about what it means to believe in Palestinian liberation, when ultimately this fight is about a fight for justice and for peace."
7. Mid of encampment
8. SOUNDBITE (English) Majd (last name not given), encampment supporter:
"I think that people are interested because the camp technically isn’t really like disrupting of any student life. It’s in its own place. What it is doing is disrupting Colombia, and their hopes to having a graduation in the next few weeks. Which I think is what they’re worried about the most."
9. Wide of encampment
10. SOUNDBITE (English) Majd (last name not given), encampment supporter:
"And I think if Colombia wants to have a peaceful graduation, then there has to be some form of like meeting halfway with the students instead of like threatening with, you know, National Guard and NYPD."
11. Mid of encampment
12. SOUNDBITE (English) Darializa Avila Chevalier, Columbia University alum:
"I mean I’ve done a lot of community organizing. But, you know, when students were asking for support, I still connected with the alumni network so, you know, I was very happy to support anytime they needed me, so.."
13. Mid of encampment
14. SOUNDBITE (English) Darializa Avila Chevalier, Columbia University alum:
"They really are prioritizing one another’s safety, ensuring that all of their needs are met in terms of like health and security and protecting one another from doxing and assault and all of those worries. On days like today, when it’s very hot, you just see students walking around with electrolytes and water and making sure everybody’s hydrated. And then in the evening, once it starts to cool down. Hand warmers, blankets, things of that nature. It’s been just a really beautiful sight to see."
15. Wide of encampment
16. SOUNDBITE (English) Darializa Avila Chevalier, Columbia University alum:

Student anti-war protesters at U.S. college campuses are digging in and vowing to keep their demonstrations going, as some universities moved to shut down encampments after reports of antisemitic activity among the protesters.

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