Pope to visit Vatican biennale exhibition in women’s prison

(28 Apr 2024)



LENGTH: 6:33

Venice, Italy – 17 April 2024

1. Various of mural ‘Father’ by Maurizio Cattelan, feet, painted on exterior of Venice-Giudecca Women’s Prison, part of the Pavilion of the Holy See at the Venice Biennale
2. Various of workmen removing scaffolding
3. SOUNDBITE (Italian) Cardinal Jose Tolentino de Mendonca, Vatican culture minister:
“We have not sought out easy artists. We sought out real artists. Cattelan’s work is very interesting under a religious point of view, very interesting because, it is true that there is something of iconoclasm in his work, but also in the mystic there is something they call iconoclasm, which means the deconstruction of the religious representations.”

4. Pan from mural to entrance to Venice-Giudecca Women’s Prison
5. Various of entrance to prison
6. SOUNDBITE (Italian) Cardinal Jose Tolentino de Mendonca, Vatican culture minister:
“I need to say something that really hit me doing the tour today, that this is certainly an opportunity for the inmates of the pavilion, because it is a message that says, "we appreciate you, we want beautiful things to be close to you, we value your contribution"."

7. Tilt up of journalist touring exhibition, in exterior entrance corridor inside prison
8. Various of artworks by Simone Fattal, canvases with poems, narrations and verses by prison inmates
9. Various of ‘White Sight’ by artistic duo known as Claire Fontaine, neon eye with line through it, at end of entrance corridor
10. Various of works by Corita Kent, also known as Sister Mary Corita, hanging in cafeteria
11. SOUNDBITE (Italian) Chiara Parisi, curator:
“I am truly happy, because inside there are people of different nationalities, different languages and maybe even different religions. For all of them, a figure as inspiring as Pope Francis, who is coming to Venice for them, has chosen to meet the women and the artists who worked on the pavilion, it is something wonderful.”

12. Various of “Siamo con voi nella notte (We are with you in the night)”, by Claire Fontaine, neon sign in central courtyard of prison
13. Tilt up of director Marco Perego and actor Zoe Saldana
14. Close of Saldana
15. SOUNDBITE (English) Zoe Saldana, actor:
"These women are here, for their own reasons, and the system is here for its reasons as well. What we wanted to provide for them was just a little bit of visibility and, and to add a little bit of levity through art, which is exactly what we accomplished. And I have to say, the shoot was a really humbling experience, and we got to learn a lot from them. They would write us letters. So every day we would wrap from the shoot, we would come back to our hotel and we would just sit and have dinner and read all of their letters."

16. Low angle of artworks
17. SOUNDBITE (English) Marco Perego, director:
"I think it is about showing women’s resilience and that women are incredible together and how much women can create this amazing tribe of belonging. And I think when they are seen and belong, they don’t feel invisible anymore. And that’s what we try to do together."

18. Various of ‘Sinfonia’ by Sonia Gomes, suspended sculptures hanging from ceiling of prison chapel
19. Tilt down of Cattelan’s mural
20. Various of workmen


The Pope will visit an exhibition staged by the Vatican at an Italian prison today (Sunday 28 April).

The works of a Hollywood actress and a controversial artist are included in the show which is part of this year’s Venice Biennale.


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