Georgia’s President Salome Zourabichvili sees future of Europe at stake with divisive law | DW News

Thousands of people in Georgia have been taking to the streets for weeks, protesting a bill that could threaten media freedom – and even derail the country’s hopes of joining the European Union. Protesters oppose what many have dubbed a "Russian law" – as Moscow uses similar legislation to curb independent news organisations and groups critical of the Kremlin. The European Union and the United States have urged Georgia to drop the legislation. But the country’s prime minister has rejected US criticism, saying its meddling has fueled the sometimes-violent protests. DW spoke to Salome Zourabichvili, the President of Georgia, who says the problem is not just the Russian law itself, but the pro-Russian stance of Georgia’s current government.

00:00 Intro & Interview Salome Zourabichvili, Georgian President

#georgia #protests #tbilisi


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