Seniors who entered college in 2020 experiencing second wave of protests, turbulence

(26 Apr 2024)

Minneapolis – 25 April 2024
1. Student protesters chanting; UPSOUND (English) "Occupation is a crime."
2. SOUNDBITE (English) Grace Gerard, Senior Urban Studies major:
" Yeah. It’s been really inspiring to watch people step up on campus. Right now you can hear the protests happening in front of Kaufman. Seeing people step up on campus and speak about what they believe in and stand for what they believe is right. It’s been really inspiring to see people my age and people at the U believing in things like that, and it gives me a lot of hope for where we’re headed. I think having people step up and speak about what they believe in.
3. Student protesters chanting; UPSOUND (English) "Three, five, seven nine, Israel out of Palestine."
4. SOUNDBITE (English) Grace Gerard, Senior Urban Studies major:
"I mean, everything is really contextualized. I feel like, especially these past few weeks on campus with the protests about Palestine, all that and, just for me, I haven’t been super involved with those, but, seeing my friends up and a few of them have really been leaders on that, and it’s been really inspiring. And again, seeing people step up for what they believe is right is really cool."
5. Student protesters chanting; UPSOUND (English) "From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free."
6. SOUNDBITE (English) Abby Lozano, Senior, Biology, Society, and the Environment:
"Especially with the Palestine movement going on right now – there’s protests on campus today, for example. We talk about a lot in my philosophy classes. I’m not sure exactly the correlation that I see with Covid and those movements, but I see a correlation a lot with my roommates and, well, maybe not correlation, but we talk a lot about how just maybe deeply upsetting and passionate we all are about the whole process of like the injustice of it all, like Palestine and the Israel bills that are being passed. And, it’s just something – I think we all have very similar views."
7. Students listening to other speakers
8. SOUNDBITE (English) Abby Lozano, Senior, Biology, Society, and the Environment:
" I was like, I’m just going to college. I’m going to have structure of college to fall into and to like go with the flow of like, this is the class I need to take. This is the step that I need to take to get to XYZ goal, but now that I’m graduating college, that is now all on me. I’m not having that structure. I have like a general idea of like what I should be doing next, but it kind of falls on to a lot of other factors as well."
9. Abby and Grace sitting and studying

Students protesting the Israel-Hamas war are digging in at Columbia University for a 10th day, part of a number of demonstrations roiling campuses from California to Massachusetts.

While protests continue, students who are graduating this May were likely those who entered college in 2020 amidst the coronavirus pandemic and a summer of protests over the death of George Floyd.

Hundreds have been arrested across the nation, sometimes amid scuffles with police. In New York, Columbia is negotiating with student protesters who have rebuffed police and doubled down.

Other schools have been quick to call law enforcement to douse demonstrations before they can take hold. Columbia officials have said they will seek other options if the negotiations with protesters fail.


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