Columbia protesters says negotiations with university are making progress

(26 Apr 2024)

New York – 26 April 2024
1. Wide, press conference
2. SOUNDBITE (English) Mahmoud Khalil, lead negotiator, Columbia University student:
"So since since we returned to the table yesterday, we made, we made a progress with, with the university. It’s not a significant progress. At least we are discussing some some real demands. As I said, with number two, there’s, with with with our demands regarding financial disclosure, there’s some progress in that and some areas regarding the statement of, of the president. There’s some progress and as well other, other, other areas. However, our main demand, which is divestment from from the Israeli occupation, there’s an impasse in that."
3. SOUNDBITE (English) Mahmoud Khalil, lead negotiator, Columbia University student:
"What we want to see now, progress in negotiations. We’re not sure if they’re thinking of of bringing law enforcement anytime soon. Once again, we don’t trust this institution. We don’t trust what they say. And we are operating on that premise."
4. SOUNDBITE (English) Mahmoud Khalil, lead negotiator, Columbia University student:
"As of now, there are no assurances from the university that no NYPD or any other law enforcement, including the National Guard, will be brought into the university."
5. SOUNDBITE (English) Mahmoud Khalil, lead negotiator, Columbia University student:
"We are at, at the stage where, kind of an impasse at the university is not acknowledging the, the movement and, and the extent of the movement and what they’re willing to offer is mostly just the statements, processes and committees."
6. SOUNDBITE (English) Mahmoud Khalil, lead negotiator, Columbia University student:
"This is this is the right thing for the university president to do. It’s it’s not an expectation. It’s a demand. And we believe that it’s on the table. Now we are negotiation about the language of the letter that the president actually should, without the students, need to come here on the encampment to demand such a demand, to actually apologize, to, to the Columbia community, not necessarily for the the pro-Palestine community here, but about the damage that has been done here on campus."
7. SOUNDBITE (English) Mahmoud Khalil, lead negotiator, Columbia University student:
"So basically, in terms of divestment, what the university offered us to do is to have the act three, which is a committee within Colombia regarding divestment, to have this this committee to review, our proposal with no assurances that such a proposal will pass or whether the board of trustees will actually approve any recommendation from from the act three. This is just one of the examples of these, bureaucratic shields that the university is shielding itself against."
8. Wide, press conference

Columbia University students who inspired pro-Palestinian demonstrations across the country dug in for their 10th day Friday as the university’s president faced harsh criticism on how to address protests with graduation looming.

As the death toll mounts in the war in Gaza and the humanitarian crisis worsens, protesters at Columbia and universities across the country are demanding schools cut financial ties to Israel and divest from companies they say are enabling the conflict.

Columbia officials said that negotiations were showing progress as the school’s self-imposed early Friday deadline to reach an agreement on dismantling the encampment came and went.

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