Windmill atop Paris’ famous 19th century Moulin Rouge cabaret falls from roof

(25 Apr 2024)

Paris, France – 25 April 2024
1. Wide of Moulin Rouge cabaret without windmill sails
2. Close of fixing for missing sails
3. Mid of worker inspecting damage with letters M, O and U missing from signage
4. Mid of windmill without sails
5. Mid of debris of windmill sails on truck
6. Close up of facade
7. SOUNDBITE (French) Stephane Cachelin, local shop-owners association:
"It’s a symbol of Montmartre, of its village, the bohemian way of life, of Paris. The whole world comes here to take pictures by the Moulin Rouge well now they will have the opportunity to take unique photos without the sails for the moment but I think that the owners of the Moulin Rouge will do their maximum to reinstall the sails quickly, because even if it’s just a sign that falls down it is the sign of Moulin Rouge it is like the Eiffel tower falling down."

ARCHIVE: Paris, France – 2 April 2023
8. Various of tourists posing in front of Moulin Rouge (with sails complete)

Paris, France – 25 April 2024
9. Mid of damaged Moulin Rouge signage and windmill
10. SOUNDBITE (English) Monica Villegas, tourist from Costa Rica:
"I was surprised because I came here just to see this and we are going to start a tour here so I didn’t know what happened, it’s pretty new for me and yes we certainly wanted to see the Moulin with all the things so it was weird to see this."
11. Mid of security guard at cabaret entrance
12. Wide of entrance
13. SOUNDBITE (French) Sylvain Lemerle, local resident:
"It’s good that nobody was hurt, we are lucky. It is not that complicated to replace, it will take some time and it will be strange for the tourists who will take pictures without the sails, it looks a bit naked but it will be replaced and certainly quicker than the Notre Dame."
14. Tilt down of damaged Moulin Rouge
15. Workers on sidewalk
16. Mid exterior of Moulin Rouge
The windmill atop Paris’ famous 19th century Moulin Rouge cabaret fell off the roof overnight. The reason for the accident remains unknown and there were no injuries. Foul play has been ruled out according to media reports.

The cabaret’s first letters that were affixed to the facade – the M, O and U – also fell off the building.

Metallic gates were put up in front of the building as workers put the damaged windmill sails into a truck. Residents reacted Thursday morning as they walked around the accident zone.

Stephane Cachelin from the local shop-owners association is confident that the windmill will be repaired rapidly.

Some tourists were surprised when they showed up to view the cabaret.

AP video shot by Oleg Cetinic


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