Multiple airdrops over Gaza Strip as efforts to get aid into enclave go on

(25 Apr 2024)

Southern Israel, overlooking Gaza Strip – 25 April 2024
1. Tracking of plane releasing airdrop of aid over Gaza Strip
2. Various of aid packages dropping into Gaza
3. Tracking of plane releasing airdrop
4. Various of aid packages dropping
5. Zoom in to plane releasing airdrop
6. Wide of aid packages dropping
7. Wide of Gaza skyline, smoke cloud rising on right of screen
8. Smoke cloud rising
9. Various of smoke drifting over skyline
Aid air drops continued over the Gaza Strip on Thursday amid stunted efforts to alleviate its food crisis by land and sea.

International officials say famine is imminent in northern Gaza, where 70% of people are experiencing catastrophic hunger.

The military aerial aid operation has been conducted by multiple countries including the US and Jordan, where flights have been taking off from.

An Israeli military attack on April 1 that killed seven aid workers from the World Central Kitchen, who were delivering supplies brought in by sea, intensified international criticism of Israel for failing to provide security for humanitarian workers or allow adequate amounts of aid across its land borders.

As a result of the lack of security, aid groups have been more reluctant to handle on-the-ground distribution of food and other badly needed goods.

The US military is also seeking to build a pier to allow the improved transport of aid by the Mediterranean.

Israel promised to open more border crossings into Gaza and increase the flow of aid after its drone strikes killed the seven aid workers.

AP video shot by Joeal Calupitan


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