Malaria is still killing people in Kenya, but local drug production signals progress

(25 Apr 2024)



LENGTH: 6:32

Migori, Kenya – 11 April 2024

1. Close of Winnie Akinyi, sister of the deceased woman Rosebella, crying at funeral
2. Various of coffin being lowered into grave and Winnie Akinyi, sister of the deceased, crying at funeral
3. Various of Winnie Akinyi holding a photo of her sister Rosebella who died of malaria
4. SOUNDBITE (Dholuo) Winnie Akinyi, sister of the deceased:
"It’s incredibly painful for us. Malaria, a treatable illness, has claimed the lives of two family members who couldn’t access treatment in time. Another loved one has fallen victim. We’re left wondering how we can conquer malaria and put an end to its devastating impact"

Kisumu, Kenya – 16 April 2024

5. Various of malaria patients in hospital ward
6. SOUNDBITE (English) Wilson Otieno Ogola, malaria patient:
"Most government facilities doesn’t offer the exact medication that is worth doing away with the sickness of the malaria parasite but in major cases, people opt to go to private facilities where they are going to get faster medication and a quality medication but it is never pocket friendly.”

Kisumu, Kenya – 11 March 2024

7. Various of children in hospital being treated for malaria
8. SOUNDBITE (English) Lenser Pauline, mother of child with malaria:
"It is very expensive when treating it continuously, monthly like, it is very expensive, some of us come from a far away area, that is far away from the hospital and we need to use transport."

9. Various of malaria patients being treated
10. SOUNDBITE (English) Oswal Omondi, Medical Officer at Nightingale Hospital Kisumu:
"There are a lot of instances where you’d like, as a health care worker, you would like to give the drug of choice for the first line which is artesunate but because of unavailability or it’s just too costly for a population, most times we prescribe the drug but the patients don’t actually get it from the pharmacy due to either unavailability or the cost.”

11. Various of Omondi with malaria patients

Siaya, Kenya – 12 April 2024

12. Various of Humphrey Kizito Otieno, Mortality Surveillance Field Officer at KEMRI (Kenya Medical Research Institute), showing grave of his family member who died from malaria
13. SOUNDBITE (English) Humphrey Kizito Otieno, Mortality Surveillance Field Officer at KEMRI (Kenya Medical Research Institute):
"Families believe so much in witchcraft, you find somebody is suffering from malaria, the symptoms are glaring but then a family would think that their child has been bewitched. So instead of seeking medication, the correct medication, they look for alternative ways of treating, like visiting the religious people. Before you know it, this parasite has grown and has overwhelmed the person."

Kikuyu, Kenya – 8 March 2024

14. Various of packaging of antimalarial drug, sulfadoxine-pyrimethamine plus amodiaquine (Spaq)
15. Various of Palu Dhanani, founder and managing director of Universal Corporation Limited, a Kenyan pharmaceutical company, in his office
16. SOUNDBITE (English) Palu Dhanani, founder and managing director of Universal Corporation Limited:

17. Various of packaging of antimalarial drug, sulfadoxine-pyrimethamine plus amodiaquine (Spaq)

Nairobi, Kenya – 17 March 2024

18. Wide of Michael Mungoma, Dean of the School of Pharmacy at Mount Kenya University, walking ++MUTE++
19. SOUNDBITE (English) Michael Mungoma, Dean of the School of Pharmacy at Mount Kenya University:

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