Harvard students express opposing views on school’s handling of pro-Palestinian demonstrations

(25 Apr 2024)


Cambridge, Massachusetts – 25 April 2024
1. Various of Harvard University gated entrance, people walking in and out
2. SOUNDBITE (English) Asmer Safi, Harvard Student from Pakistan:
"Harvard remains materially and morally complicit in the genocide of Palestinians, which is why we continually see protests happening, we see student oppression happening over those protests. And we see continually, people like ourselves, organizers with the college trying to create a sense of community around the fact that we are people that are campaigning for a particular cause, and that cause being the cause of the Palestinians."
3. Various of encampment on Harvard’s campus
4. SOUNDBITE (English) Asmer Safi, Harvard Student from Pakistan:
"I mean, on a human level, it feels incredibly disappointing. I think this has been probably one of the worst times that the Muslim, the Arab community, the South Asian community has seen in terms of repression of their voices, in terms of like how feel and how felt and heard they felt on, on this campus, just by virtue of the thing that they’ve been wanting to see. Just by virtue of the campaigns that they’ve wanted to commit themselves for. And in terms of like the kind of protection and safety that they expect from the university when it comes to just having their voices heard."
5. Various of encampment on Harvard’s campus
6. SOUNDBITE (English) Ely Hahami, Harvard Jewish student from New York:
"I think the problem Is that there needs to be nuance for any cause that you support. I think everybody should sort of state their axioms in which that they are against hate and terror. I think anybody who supported the October 7th Hamas attack sort of needs to rethink their decisions and sort of come back to together a collective humanity. Of course, there’s a long history. Of course you know, there can be valid criticism of Israel. At the same time, you want to make sure what you’re saying specifically is not offensive and hurtful to Jewish students. And so if there is a saying such as ‘from the river to the sea’ or ‘globalize the Intifada’ that is anti-Semitic for students, there is no need to continue saying it. If you are criticizing Israel, just move to another slogan. And the fact that some of these people are continuing to say these things is a bit troubling to me. And I wish some people would also draw the line between their support of Palestine and their support of Hamas."
7. Med of students walking on campus with encampment on Harvard’s campus
8. SOUNDBITE (English) Asmer Safi, Harvard Student from Pakistan:
"In that sense, it’s been very disruptive on an emotional level, when it comes to like seeing your identities being used as cards for diversity, as cards for, you know, what the university wants for itself and its image and its reputation. But the moment that we actually require a level of safety and level of comfort and a level of promise when it comes to being able to have our voices heard, we have that immediately and absolutely compromise and no protection given to us."
9. Close of pins reading (English) "Cease Fire", "A New Day For Palestine", "Free Palestine"
10. SOUNDBITE (English) Ely Hahami, Harvard Jewish student from New York:
"I was very disappointed by the lack of a willingness from the students to sort of engage in that dialog and rather they turned to, sort of yelling and shouting."
11. Med encampment on Harvard’s campus
12. Students walking on campus

AP video by Rodrique Ngowi

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