China warns US as Senate passes bill with support for Taiwan

(24 Apr 2024)

Beijing, China – 24 April 2024
1. Daily briefing by Chinese Foreign Ministry
2. Wide of reporters
3. SOUNDBITE (Mandarin) Wang Wenbin, spokesperson of Chinese Foreign Ministry:
"The military collusion between the U.S. and Taiwan will not bring about security for Taiwan, could not save the destiny of Taiwan independent force, which doomed to fail. It will only escalate the tension across the Taiwan Strait and the risk of confrontation. They will only hurt themselves by their own doing."
4. Wide of reporters
5. SOUNDBITE (Mandarin) Wang Wenbin, spokesperson of Chinese Foreign Ministry:
"The U.S. should abide by the One China Principle and the Three U.S.-China Joint Communique and fully implement the commitment by the U.S. President, that is not to support Taiwan Independence, stop arming Taiwan, stop creating new factors that will elevate tension across the Strait, stop harming the stability and peace across the Strait."
6. Various of briefing
China warned the United States to stop arming Taiwan after the Senate approved a bill that includes $8 billion for countering China’s actions threatening Taiwan and other allies in the Indo-Pacific region.

U.S. President Joe Biden said he will sign the legislation Wednesday to provide $95 billion in aid for Ukraine, Israel and Taiwan.

In Beijing, spokesperson Wang Wenbin said the military collusion between the U.S. and Taiwan “will only escalate the tension across the Taiwan Strait and the risk of confrontation.”

The passage of the bill came when U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken starts his visit to China where he will meet with his counterpart Foreign Minister Wang Yi.

The package covers a wide range of parts and services aimed at maintaining and upgrading Taiwan’s military hardware and is meant to counter the threat of invasion by China, which claims the entire island as its own territory.

Separately, Taiwan has signed billions in contracts with the U.S. for latest-generation F-16V fighter jets, M1 Abrams main battle tanks and the HIMARS rocket system, which the U.S. has also supplied to Ukraine.

Taiwan has also been expanding its own defense industry, building submarines and trainer jets.

China launches daily incursions into waters and airspace around Taiwan by navy ships and warplanes.

AP video shot by Liu Zheng


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