German President’s trip to Turkey marked by pro-Palestine protests for a second day

(23 Apr 2024)

Istanbul – 23 April 2024
1. Marching demonstrators holding banner reading (Turkish/English/German): “Child Killer Israel’s accomplice Germany” and chanting UPSOUND (Turkish): Collaborative Germany will be held accountable”
2. Mid of marching protesters holding Palestinian flags and chanting UPSOUND (Turkish): “Resisting Gaza will win.”
3. Mid of protesters chanting UPSOUND (Turkish): “Freedom will come to Palestine through resistance.”
4. Mid of protesters chanting UPSOUND (Turkish) “Genocide culprit, murderer Germany.”
5. Mid of protesters holding a banner with Palestinian flag that reads (Turkish): “From the river to the sea, free Palestine.” And protesters chanting UPSOUND (Turkish): “Murderer Israel, get out of Palestine”
6. Mid of protesters chanting UPSOUND (TURKISH): “Murderer America, get out of the Middle East.”
7. Mid of protesters chanting UPSOUND (TURKISH): “From river to the sea, free Palestine.”
8. Wide of protesters holding a flag marching and chanting UPSOUND (TURKISH): “A salute to Hamas, continue the resistance.”
9. Mid of protesters chanting and holding banners UPSOUND (TURKISH): “Tyrants will be held accountable by God.”
10. SOUNDBITE (TURKISH) Zehra Turkmen, protester:
“Germany provides the most weapons to Israel after America, and we are here today to protest once again this inhumane massacre committed by Germany on Gaza. As you know, the German President came to Turkey and we do not want a murderer or a Zionist in Turkey and that is why we are protesting here.”
11. Various of demonstrators holding Palestinian flag and chanting
12. SOUNDBITE (TURKISH) Melike Belkis, protester:
“This is a crime against humanity, all people with conscience should oppose it, and we came here today to oppose Germany’s Steinmeier’s support for Israel.”
13. Various of riot police officers
14. Various of Ukrainian flag hanging on the German consulate, German consulate sign hanging on the entrance of the German consulate
German President Frank-Walter Steinmeier’s trip to Turkey was marked by pro-Palestine protests for a second day on Tuesday.

A demonstration organized by the Gaza Solidarity Platform saw some 400 people march past the German consulate in Istanbul, chanting slogans against Berlin’s support for Israel in the Gaza war.

Later, during a excursion to Gaziantep in southern Turkey, one of the cities hit by last year’s deadly earthquake, protesters unveiled banners proclaiming “Murderer Israel, collaborator Germany.”

Zehra Turkmen, a protester, said “Germany provides the most weapons to Israel after America, and we are here today to protest once again this inhumane massacre committed by Germany on Gaza. As you know, the German President came to Turkey and we do not want a murderer or a Zionist in Turkey and that is why we are protesting here.”

On Monday a small group of Palestine supporters interrupted Steinmeier’s visit to Sirkeci rail station in Istanbul, which he visited to mark the journeys of Turkish “guest workers” to Germany from the 1960s.

The president is paying a three-day trip to Turkey on the 100th anniversary of diplomatic relations between the two countries. Germany’s support for Israel during its near-seven month operation has drawn increased criticism as the Palestinian death toll has risen to nearly 34,000, mostly women and children according to the Gaza health ministry.

AP video shot by Mehmet Guzel


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