What to know about Pennsylvania and the 2024 election

(22 Apr 2024)

Philadelphia – 17 April 2024
1. Various of voters at the mail-in-ballot drop off location in Philadelphia

Philadelphia – 18 April 2024
2. Various of Michael Sances, Associate Professor at Department of Political Science at Temple University in his office
3. SOUNDBITE (English) Michael Sances, Associate Professor at Department of Political Science at Temple University:
“So, Pennsylvania is an incredibly important state. And, one interesting thing about the US is that not every state, there’s only a really a handful of states that are kind of pivotal in presidential elections. And so a lot of voters are living in the states that are deeply red or deeply blue, and they’re important, but they’re not as important in terms of being, you know, actually deciding a race. Pennsylvania is a one of the handful, those states like Wisconsin and Michigan. And the reason is that, Pennsylvania is very closely divided politically. We went for Donald Trump in 2016. We went for Joe Biden in 2020. And at both times it was a difference of, you know, 40,000 votes or 80,000 votes in a state of, you know, millions of people. So we’re closely divided. We’re also very big. So the way that the Electoral College works, the more states you win, the more electoral votes you get, and the more electoral votes you get, the more likely you are to win the presidency. You need, you need the majority of 538 and we have 20 here. So that turns out to be a pretty big prize.”

ARCHIVE: Pittsburgh – 17 April 2024
4. SOUNDBITE (English) Joe Biden, U.S. President:
“U.S. Steel has been an iconic American company for more than a century, and it should remain a totally American company (applause) ”

ARCHIVE: Schnecksville, Pennsylvania – 13 April 2024
5. SOUNDBITE (English) Donald Trump, Former President, (R) Presidential Candidate:
“And while it’s a little bit typically early, we have to debate. We have to explain to the American people what the hell is going on because they, they’re looking at the border and they’re looking at inflation and they’re looking at the economy, which is terrible.”

Philadelphia – 17 April 2024
6. Wide of Philadelphia City Hall

ARCHIVE: Pennsylvania- 9 March 2024
7. Wide of Amish people walking on a country road

Philadelphia – 18 April 2024
8. SOUNDBITE (English) Michael Sances, Associate Professor at Department of Political Science at Temple University:
“Yeah, there’s a couple of issues, I think, on voters minds. Right now, one is the economy and, inflation is still a concern. And there’s a lot of talk among Biden’s folks trying to highlight the positives in the economy. That still doesn’t seem to have really caught on with the general public. So they’re still very concerned about the economy. People are concerned about immigration and the southern border, even though Pennsylvania is nowhere near the southern border. It gets a lot of national coverage and especially Republicans talking about it, trying to impeach Biden administration officials because of it. So, that keeps it a concern. Voters are still concerned about, the issue of abortion rights. So in, 2022, the Supreme Court really,…the Supreme Court overturned Roe v Wade, that that sent the issue back to the states, but also sent the issue back into the political debate.”

ARCHIVE: Pittsburgh – 7 November 2020
9. Various of poll workers counting ballots in an Allegheny County warehouse

Philadelphia – 18 April 2024

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