Ringo Starr talks being left-handed, using a right-handed drum kit

(20 Apr 2024)
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West Hollywood, Calif. – 19 April 2024
1. SOUNDBITE (English) Ringo Starr, recording artist:
"I am left-handed, born left-handed. And my grandmother decided the devil had me. And so I write with my right hand and, you know, but I play darts with my left hand. You know, I’m golfing left-handed. So besides writing, there’s not a lot I do right-handed. But that was enough for her. And, so, you know, people try and follow the fills I do say it’s impossible, you know, because I’m using this hand. You know, I can go around the drums if I’m going tom, tom, floor tom. This way. If I’m leading, I can only come from the floor tom around. Yeah. You know, but it’s it’s helped me because, you know. Just so the handicap is, worthwhile."


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