Jodie Foster gets her handprints in cement outside Hollywood’s famed Chinese Theatre

(19 Apr 2024)

Los Angeles – 19 April 2024
1. Wide of stage pan to Jamie Lee Curtis and Jodie Foster seated
2. UPSOUND (English) Jamie Lee Curtis, actor – on what people don’t know about Jodie Foster:
"Before elections Jodie Foster sends a list of all of her recommendations to
all of her friends, and they then in turn send it to their friends. Because during an election cycle, Jodie Foster has taken the time and actually has read about all of the candidates and all of their pros and cons of each proposition, as she recognizes that many of us don’t have the time or patience to do that deep dive to understand what it is or who it is we are voting for, and how important it is to be informed. And she shares her thoughts and hopes for us as a country and as a group of people. She is telling ,you, I will get the call, ‘Did you
get Jodie’s list?’ And then I pass it on. She is also soft. And funny and romantic and beautiful, and I could and would go on and on and on. But the cement is ready."
3. Jodie Foster walks to stage, hugs Jamie Lee Curtis
4. UPSOUND (English) Jodie Foster, actor/director: "Hollywood for all of us in in a way is this symbol space that’s about iconography and about dreams and fantasies. And for me, it isn’t. It’s very concrete. For me, it wasn’t that I that I, the experience that I had was coming here with my mom and my
brothers and sisters and going to Musso and Frank’s (restaurant) and then putting my putting my feet in the cement and measuring my feet to the other people. And yes, of course, you know,
saying, ‘Oh, someday I would want that,’ but not because I wanted to be a movie star, but because I wanted to be real. I, I wanted to be real. I wanted to be a real person. And a real person puts their hands in cement, hands and feet in cement. And somehow what they do matters not just for this generation, but for other generations. So that was some kind of
crazy fantasy that I had about belonging. Which brings me here today."
5. Jodie Foster’s handprints and footprints in cement
6. UPSOUND (English) Jodie Foster, actor/director: "It’s an extraordinary thing to bring us all here together. I wish my boys were here, but someday
they will marvel at my funny toes and will make fun of me mercilessly when they see it. But I really, the person that I have to thank the most, really, is, my wife, Alex, who I cannot believe was so generous to give up our our 10-year anniversary day to come and do this with me. Like, what are you thinking? How come you didn’t say no? I love you so much. And I’m so grateful for the life we have together and this life. You know, my whole life this
has been. My whole life has been making films, living in Hollywood, creating a family of friends to do it with. This is my life. I love my life. And I’m so grateful that all of you guys think I’m OK and that, I deserve to be in cement. I feel so blessed."
7. Jodie Foster lays hands in cement
8. SOUNDBITE (English) Jodie Foster, actor/director: "Turning 60 has been this really strange, discovery, which is I’m happier than I’ve ever been. And I feel like the work that I’m doing is more satisfying than ever, because it’s more about bringing my experience to the table and being able to contribute, and watching other people’s young careers and watching other people discover things and being the voice behind them saying like, O , don’t worry, it’s all going to be fine. That that’s just really satisfying and really makes me happy."
9. Jodie Foster places feet in cement
11. Jodie Foster and wife, Alexandra Hedison pose
12. SOUNDBITE (English) Jodie Foster, actor/director:

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