Hundreds of young people join Fridays for Future protest in Rome

(19 Apr 2024)

Rome – 19 April 2024
1. Various of protesters; UPSOUND protesters chanting (Italian): "If there is no change we will fight for it"
2. Tilt-down from Fridays for Future sign to Colosseum in the background
3. Various of protesters
4. Various of police, protesters
5. SOUNDBITE (Italian) Lavinia Iovino, Italian climate activist:
“We’re demanding (action) today mainly because after more than four years of (climate) strikes we have not seen any actions that would indicate we are heading in the right direction, this strike has as its main message: ‘Let’s take back our future’. What does it mean? That we need to see actions that lead us towards the ecological transition, it’s not happening.”
6. Close of Fridays for Future t-shirt
7. SOUNDBITE (Italian) Lavinia Iovino, Italian climate activist:
“Our Environment Ministry – if we can really call it like that – is not doing anything concrete, we actually have been seeing even less commitment to environment and climate policies with this Meloni government, this is why we are fighting strongly for taking a drastic stand in the face of these issues that are even more so being put under the carpet.”
8. Leader of Fridays for Future of Rome speaking to crowd
9. Close of sign reading (English) "Our future in our hands"
10. SOUNDBITE (Italian) Marzio Chirico, 26-year-old climate activist:
“Today dozens of cities around Italy are on the streets once again, hundreds around the world. Fridays for Future continues to have activities in all regions daily, weekly, in the schools, councils, neighbourhoods, across the country and in this way we are creating new narratives and fossil alternatives, we need a bit of patience, we need to accelerate. We are here to push the government to accelerate but mostly to build together alternatives for example like the CERS (network of renewable and sharable energies in Italy) with the solutions and technologies already available.”
11. Various of protesters marching
12. Sign reading (English) "End war (and) fossil"
13. Various of protesters
Hundreds of young environmental activists joined a climate protest in Rome on Friday.

The gatherings that have became known around the world as Fridays for Future were started by Swedish activist Greta Thunberg and continue to rally students and youth even if some of the protests have become smaller.

Protesters called on world leaders, and ministers attending a G7 meeting in Capri, to push for a greener economy.

Some demonstrators marched with Palestinian flags and called for a cease-fire in the Israel-Hamas war.


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