Hillary Clinton says ‘Suffs’ on Broadway ‘could not be better timed’

(18 Apr 2024)
New York – 18 April 2024
1. SOUNDBITE (English) Hillary Rodham Clinton, ‘Suffs’ producer/former U.S. Secretary of State:
"I look at the, characters in this, extraordinary, musical and I relate to all of them because I know how hard it is to make change. I know how important it is to have relationships with the people you’re working for. As you’re taking risks, you’re doing things that have never been done, whether it’s running for president in my case, or having a march on Washington in 1913 to try to convince, the president and the Congress to, adopt the amendment to let women vote. So I, I relate to the whole story as an American and as an American woman, as somebody who’s been in politics. But more than that, I see it as relevant today. We have a lot of challenges in our country. I think we can learn about how you make change, what you have to do in order to push that agenda forward. And I think having a play about voting in the election year could not be better timed."


PRODUCTION: John Carucci


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